Part 24

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just woke up ooh I got a headache it should be the shots from last night I don't remember what happened last night I only remember being dragged to this place, I check my phone I got countless missed calls from my mother I believe that was when she realized I didn't sleep home last night I text her am safe few seconds after sending an SMS I received another one from dad saying "we are having a family meeting at 11 am you should present yourself" what can I say the day of lecturers I don't wish to be at that place being put to the edge to get me to agree to everything they say, I tried her she's not picking up her phone, I text her on WhatsApp because she's active "can I see you for two minutes " and she just blue ticked me I send her another text "okay you want to do it in a hard way that leads me to get into your house" that was when she says she will see me after two hours

by the time I was at her corner it was 11:15 am skipping the meet they can wait I have to fix things with Katlego, there she is she seems broken the is no my favorite sweetest smile on her face today, I hate what I have put her through I hope and pray that she takes the pregnancy issue lightly because am not ready to lose her

Germain: Thank God you came

Katleho: You got two-minute Germain

Germain: I just want to say am sorry

Katleho: You are sorry for what?

Putting me out on darkness to spend the night with her or the fact that you made me feel stupid in front of her?

Or you sorry that she had to be at your doorstep?

What are you actually sorry for?

Germain: She claims to be pregnant

Katleho: What is that supposed to do with me?

Germain: ......

Katleho: Ooh no!!! are you kidding me?

Germain: (before I knew it, I received a slap on my face that wasn't expected) Katleho!!!

( I hold her hands blocking her from slapping me again, she tried to free herself but I overpowered her and she just started tearing, I hugged her tight crying too if there is anyone who's starring at us that person would've felt our pain too, It was a heart-breaking moment for the both of us) Am sorry I didn't call for this to happen please forgive me (she pushed me away from her).

Katleho: What do you mean you didn't call for this to happen, what were you thinking when you sleep with her, you promised to be loyal to me and you broke that loyalty and again you made me fall for your lies while you were having your moments with her making me a dump. Did you ever really love me, I believed every word you said but I can't blame you now I understand the reason why I was called naïve in the first place and I hate to admit it but you were right I was naïve to believe that you loved me while you needed to get to my paint, now I can't even look at you in the eyes, what was I thinking when I fall for you, I guess warning never came in time how did I get here with you

Germain: Katleho stop it that's not the truth I loved you I love you still believe me I do, I do really love you I told you am not perfect and I just lost it and we ended up intimated it was just one time and I was drunk believe me

Katleho: Now we are using lies to save you really are you not satisfied with the damage you made with your lies

Germain: Am sorry, baby please forgive me

Katleho: I hate you Germain I don't want to see you again I hate you

Germain: (she said that hitting me on the chest) am sorry but please don't hate me don't leave me,

Katleho: there is nothing left for me you have already replaced me

Germain: No Katlego she is mean less she is only carrying my child there's no way that she can replace you I love you truly, please help me solve this mess out I need you

Katleho: Germain I didn't ask you to sleep with her and after the shit, you have put me through you telling me you want my help you are not normal, don't ever make contact with me you are erased from my life

Germain: please don't do that to me Katleho I pled!!

she just left me like that without even listening to me I think I just lost her, this is a mess what did I put myself into

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