Part 62

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I don't know how to feel, Everytime I see Daniel I get disgusted, I can't even look at him in the eyes. I have endless questions, with no answers. I have been thinking of what David said to me, leave your husband and start afresh with me. I am not sure if am ready to quit on my marriage but I should ensure that Precious is under protection, but how do I do that. I don't have connections, I depend on David, he could be trusted.  I am not ready to loose my girl, she is the only child I have. And as for the mistress, she turned to have her breakfast everyday at my restaurant, I have no courage to tell her to never set her feet at my restaurant, It's best I just ignore her. I tried but I couldn't, she's getting on my nerves. as she rub her belly, with the thought that she's carrying my husband's child. It breaks me apart, that lady she's living my dreams. maybe I should just quit on my marriage, cause she just given Daniel what I couldn't give. I wont be surprised if he put divorce papers before me requesting for the signature. I exhale as I turn my chair around, To face the door direction I met David, I gasped the door was wide open. I was at my office.

David: Relax, I wont hurt you. am not an enemy
Katleho: what do you have for me David?
David: I thought you would be sharing the good news by now, I thought I have given you enough time. you should've made decision by now.
Katleho: David!!!
David: Yes sweet eyes
Katleho: If you cared for me, I doubt helping me, wouldn't be pushing me to the edge. so I don't take your offer to be stuck with you. I will find help from other places.
David: I thought by now you should know how much I love you.
Katleho: You loving me enough to have my girl's life at risk because you want to win me.
David: Its not that way Katleho, I...
Katleho: I don't care, Just know that I turned your offer down, I am not accepting this whole thing of your, if thats what you are here for then you can leave.
David: He didn't impregnate her.
katleho: ( I widen my mouth, without moving) what!!!
But you said she is pregnant, I wont be surprised if she faked her pregnancy.
David: Yes she is pregnant, but Daniel is not the father of the baby.
katleho: Ohw.
David: So ever since you chose him, it's my queue to leave, I will leave you alone and goodluck in protecting your family. I believe my work with you ends here, I will send you my banking details for payments.

he left, I was watching him as he made his way out. I sighed. shit is about to happen. my phone rings , I checked the ID caller it's Daniel. I just muted his call and return to my work, as I was busy, the text came through " we having a dinner party tonight at my home, please show up before 8, I know we have issues but please do me a favour and show up.



Precious: I want abortion pills.
Lerato: What, are you pregnant?
Precious: No it's for a friend, she really needs this.
Lerato: I know someone who can help you, but she's going to charge you alot.
Precious: I don't mind, I really need this.
Lerato: Okay, how was your day, why didn't you show up.
Precious: I am not good, ( I fight my eyes to stop producing tears).
Lerato: whats going on friend?
Precious: let's rather not talk about it, I don't wanna go there again.
Lerato: whatever it is, it seems to be huge to you. you should talk it out, maybe I can help?
Precious: I will survive.

We had our time, waiting for the staff, I received an sms from Uncle Dee saying that we having a Dinner party at his home, it's gonna be a long night. I hope it won't take long.
We went to the Dinner party, I scanned around it was just his family, closed family, and friends. most of them where elderly, so actually this dinner thing, its not meant for us. there was only few of my group age, or should I say youth, Germain and his family was also here. I went to greet them.

Precious: Good evening folks, 
Germain's wife: Hey Precious. you hardly visits this days.
Precious:( I glanced at Germain) I thought it was best to stop visiting.
Germain's wife: Is there anything that i don't know?
Germain: You have grown a little bit.
Precious: thank you , girls lets go to the kitchen, sis Precious missed you alot.

I took girls to the kitchen, I bumped into a guy, he was focused on his phone without watching his way. we bumped into each other and he split his drink all over my dress.

Precious: Argh watch your way Dammit!!!
The Guy: I am so sorry!! let me help you out.
precious: ( he took out a tissue from his pocket and try to wipe me with it.
Precious: move your hands off me bastard, maybe you should watch your way.
The guy: I said am sorry!!!.
twins: Sis Precious are you okay?
Precious: I will be fine
The guy: you have beautiful siblings.
Precious: what are you still doing here go before I pour hot water on you.
The guy: Am sorry.

The party wasn't bad, we had our time. I only note now that I missed this kind of gathering, I could sense that there's a tension between my mother and Uncle Dee. I hope they sort out their differences. As for the guy I bumped into earlier, he's been stealing glance at me.



I went to the dinner party, I was little bit late. when I get the place, it has already started. I scanned around everybody that was expected to be here is here, even though there is few new faces. I took a sit next to Daniel. Germain was starring at me, I ignored his stare. what I hate about this night is the fact that I will have to play a happy family with this bastard called my husband.he whispered to me

Daniel: I am glad that you came,
Katleho: sure
Daniel: You look beautiful tonight
Katleho: Thank you( I faked my smile).
Daniel: lets go and grab a drink
Katleho: I am good,( I saw his mother and when to say hello to her).

I moved around as I engage with everyone around, I felt the hand grabbing me, I look the the direction were the hand came from, it was Germain. he pulled me to the corner, were we can't be seen. the position he put he was so uncomfortable, as he come closer to me.

Germain: Hey Katleho, You look so beautiful.
Katleho: what do you want Germain, I said that pushing him.
Germain: I just needed to say hello, maybe with the kiss to remind you of what we used to have, or who we used to be.
Katleho: You don't have to remind me, I already have someone to, someone who's busy destroying my marriage and who's coming for your Daughter.
Germain: What do you mean.
Katleho: Who will it be if not your wife Dineo, those days are sour, so stop bringing them back to me cause they are my worst nightmare.leave me alone.
Germain: What do you mean she's coming for your family.
Katleho: you brought her into my life, so she's ensuring to break every single piece of me, and am pretty sure that you will like to see that, the moment you will cherish.
I said that leaving him.

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