Part 6

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My sleep wasn't long I had to wake up to prepare supper for everyone my mother wasn't around she must be at Old Age care center..she's a volunteer at that place ever since she got her retirement she feels helpless sitting around doing nothing I enjoy having this place all to my self-playing brandy having my music too loud..after cooking I take bath that's my daily routine .. a few hours later everybody was home including my little brother I prepared food for everyone and go back to my room. I have to cover the scope in two weeks time ill be starting with my final Exam .. I was in the middle of my studies when I receive a call..he needed to see me now how do I escape this place... I should ensure that everyone is sleeping .. I went to my mother's room thank God she seems too far with her sleep but she's a light sleeper I should be quick and careful I had to tiptoes on my way out..his complexion glows in the darkness. it's my lucky day I had to see him twice a day I wonder what changed. I opened the gate carefully to ensure that it doesn't make a noise to wake people up..

Germain: You made it
Katleho: As if I had a choice( i said that with the low voice I'm too nervous.
When I turn his strong cologne hit me that when I note he came closer I wish to step back but there is no space for me).
Germain: You kept me waiting
Katleho: ( He said that getting closer and closer there is no space left between us.. I felt an urge to breath am suffocating ..there's something stuck on my throat that unable me to speak. I cleared my throat) I'm sorry
Germain: You can do better
Katleho: ( what is he expecting I'm not thinking straight with the position he put me though I don't feel my self am yearning to taste those lips I just kept my gaze without saying a word ...he gripped my waist heart rate tripled before I knew it he pressed his cold soft lips to mine he had control with passion the feeling is overwhelming I loved it .. I wish it could last longer cause I'm so in love. He seems to feel my hunger to the lasted longer than I expected he pulled out then I saw a flash of the beautiful smile on his face can he be mine already). what the hell!
Germain: Ooh I'm sorry I misread you
Katleho: ( he said that stepping back..where is he going I need to feel his strong muscled arms around me) It okay it just took me by surprise..(he let out a soft laugh)
Germain: Come on we both know you want this more than I do
Katleho: ( Really maybe he is right I couldn't get enough of him but I won't show it on my face) I should leave before I get caught
Germain: Aah really now ..okay promise me I will see you tomorrow
Katleho: Umh am not sure
Germain: I plead
Katleho: (He said that embracing me I love it I wish we could stay like this for the whole night) Okay fine
Germain: Have a beautiful night Princess
Katleho: Same to you too ( he said that kissing me on the cheek wow what a night some people are capable of turning your day to be beautiful I can't wait to get to my bed to revisit the moment I just had.

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