Part 78

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Restless night, I feel pain every time I try to move. They ended up giving me an injection that sends me straight to Lala land. I was Awaken by a nurse giving me breakfast. A few minutes later the guy got in. He looked at me with the concerned face. He smiled a little but the smile faded away as he saw my deep stare. He said to me.

Desmond: Hello Precious, how are you feeling today
Precious: I am in a lot of pain, thanks for your concern( Something is off with this person, he is too intimidating, I got a little bit scared as he gets closer, he seemed to be around 26 or 27. He came closer and touch my hands, My body was stiff)
Desmond: I am better now that you are awake
Precious: (I just popped out my eyes, trying to understand what he just meant )
Desmond: I heard that you have Amnesia
Precious: Yes I do( He ran his hands on my body, I got scared, I was now shaking) What are you doing, leave me!!!
Desmond: I am sorry, I thought you will feel something...
Precious: Leave me, don't touch me!!!
Desmond: Precious I...
Precious:(I was shaking, I never been so scared for the whole of my life) Leave!!!

The door opened it was a cop, he got in and look at us for a minute.

Detective: Is everything okay?
Desmond: Yes, I was just leaving
Detective: Okay, that's good cause I want some space with her
Desmond: I guess I will see you, Precious.
Detective: Are you okay?
Precious: Yes, umh, how can I help you?
Detective: Let's start here, I want you to tell me about the incidence night
Precious: I don't even know what happened to me.
Detective: What do you mean?
Precious: I Remember Nothing
Detective: Okay do you know these people
Precious: (He showed me the picture of a lady, and John with the other guy, I don't know) I only know this guy. ( I said that pointing John)
Detective: What is your relationship with him?
Precious: I have no relationship with him
Detective: More like an Enemy kind?
Precious: No, he is a great pal, he's dating my friend, He used to drive me and my friend to the gigs
Detective: Ooh
Precious: Yes
Detective: Okay, are you sure that you don't remember what happened that night?
Precious: I am sorry I can't help you, I remember nothing
Detective: Okay, please call me when you have regained your memory, we really need your input to the case
Precious: ( He said that giving me the piece of paper with numbers in it) I will get in touch with you.
Doctor: Detective, I told you now is not a good time, my patient is still in confusion
Detective: I just needed to talk with her
Precious: It's okay Doctor
Detective: I should leave, get well soon Precious, don't forget to notify me when you remember something about the night
Precious: I will do
Doctor: Are you okay?
Precious: I am feeling pains all over my body
Doctor: You had your breakfast?
Precious: Yes
Doctor: Let me give you your medication



I heard a knock, Geez what time it is, I must have overslept. 2 minutes later Germain got into my room. He looked handsome, I smiled.

Germain: Hey, good morning
Katleho: Good morning Germain, you look handsome
Germain: Thanks a lot, I tried to put my effort at least you noticed
Katleho:( I laughed) This should bring a happy face to you
Germain: Tell me about it, You had a beautiful sleep?
Katleho: Yes thanks, and you?
Germain: Are you aware of the time?
Katleho: NO, What time it is?
Germain: It's 12 o'clock, midday
Katleho: Are you kidding me?
Germain: No, for real
Katleho: I can't blame my self for having a peaceful sleep especially after receiving that sweet kiss
Germain: Oh about the kiss
Katleho: Want to talk about it?
Germain: I really do want to talk about it
(he said that sitting on the bed)
Katleho: You want more of it? ( I blushed)
Germain: Katleho, That kiss should've never happened, it was a mistake I am sorry, I don't know what gotten into my head, I am sorry
Katleho: ( All my smile faded away, I was so disappointed and felt really bad, especially for my recent behavior) I get you
Germain: Are you sure
Katleho: Yeah
Germain: So we cool?
Katleho: Yeah ( I said that pulling off the duvet, exposing my half-naked body, I found him Starring at me, more like he just developed an appetite, that's when I realize that I forgot about his presence, I must've been pissed) I want to take a bath, leave my room
Germain: Yeah, Of course, I, I will prepare something to eat
Katleho: Only if you find food, I don't remember when last did I cook or buy food
Germain: You should be serious

He said that leaving the room. I took a quick bath. We had our journey to the Hospital, the journey was a bit weird as it was filled with awkwardness and us stealing a glance at each other. I got relieved when we reach the hospital. It was really good to see Precious again, I sometimes feel like I am dreaming.

Precious: The detective was here, asking me about what happened that night
Katleho: Do you remember what happened?
Precious: No I don't, what happened to me?
Germain: They believe you been shot and got pushed through the stairs just after your gig in Saskia
Precious: By who, why will they do that to me
Katleho: Just an old Enemy, she used you to get back at me, because you are my weakness
Precious: Why did they show me the glimpse of John
Germain: What?
Katleho: He is the one who did that to you baby
Precious: No John can't do that to me, I hope he's not in prison
Katleho: Umh, he is dead
Precious: How is that possible
Germain: He got shot the very same night after your shooting
Katleho: Mama please tell Lerato that I want to see her
Katleho: Okay, plus she might give you more of the information ever since she is the one who found you that night
Precious: Oh
Germain: This is going to stress you out, I believe it's best you stop asking about it, maybe this amnesia came to serve a purpose for you to start over and forget about the bad that happened to you
Katleho: He is telling the truth, my girl

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