Part 66

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He opened the door forcefully, he seemed so pissed. I was left alone in this ward sleeping. So the noise he made with the door is the one that made me awake. I looked at him trying to understand what could've pissed him off. by looking at me he seemed disgusted. I cleared my throat.

Juliet: Is everything okay?
Lucky: How could you do this to me?
Juliet: what did I do?
Lucky: You Killing my baby, why? What did he do to you, why couldn't you just at least give him a chance to live? Just a...
Juliet: Wait, what!! Am I having a miscarriage?
Lucky: Stop acting innocent, You killed my child, I just needed that opportunity to be a father and you took it away from me, How could you be so heartless.
Juliet: I didn't kill our baby, she is the one that killed her!!!
Lucky: who are you talking about?
Juliet: She is the one that killed my baby, believe me. I have breakfast every day at her restaurant. I have no doubt that She puts something on my food. Call the police!!!
she should be arrested for killing my baby.
Lucky: Why will she do that, you are the one who killed him. I could see it through you that you are not happy with this pregnancy. How could you do this to me?
Juliet: I don't know why she hates me, I pled, its not me. I will find the proof to show you that I didn't do it. I can't kill my baby.
Lucky: You need savings Juliet, you just drank those pills now you blaming your doings on someone else.
Juliet: Please, believe me, I didn't do it.
Lucky: I know you didn't love me enough to have a future with me, I could see how broken you were when you realize that you are pregnant, all along you were playing bonding with him, I can't believe you were planning evil towards my child, I never thought you could be so heartless, what did I do to you, why will you hurt me like this, days ago I was so damn happy that am about to be a father, now you took that away, it's all gone. I truly hate you for what you did and believe you going to pay!!!.
Juliet: I am not the one who did this, I can provide a proof please, Don't leave me here alone, I need you, please!!

He didn't listen, He left me. Miscarriage is what I was afraid of, I can't believe it's happening. What hurts me the most, he believes I took pills to kill my baby. I have no doubt that Katleho is behind this whole thing.



I didn't like the fact of Katleho leaving with that man, I don't even want to think of where are they going or what they might be doing. The fact that am slowly losing my wife is killing me. I should come up with the idea to try to sort this mess, I should find a way. I can do something for her. How about prepare dinner and have the table set. I believe it can work. I started cooking, I am a bad cooker, I know but today I will try something simpler. and do the decoration. she might like it, I wish she could listen to me when I say I am truly sorry for what I did. I prepared the dinner and did my things, you know table for two, plus flowers shattered all over the floor. Candle and with light off and wine. I needed to give you a glimpse of how our nights look like. When I was done it was around 7. It's strange she's always home by this time. I am really concerned, I tried to call her, the call went through the next thing the phone leads me straight to voicemail. It seems like I am intruding, I light off the candles and go to bed. what was I even doing all the effort, I lost appetite to eat this food.



We went to his place after lunch just to chill, we had fun. It's been a while I had a day out with someone other than Daniel, It was kinda refreshing, I needed that, he tried, by all means, do not include my husband in our conversation. It's best cause I didn't want to talk about Daniel, I needed to forget about him, and all my sorrows.

David: Can I give you a glass of wine?
Katleho: Yes, please.
David: How is everything going?
Katleho: Well, I can say.
David: You know it's me, you can talk with me.
Katleho: I just don't know how to feel, I don't know what to do. Every time I see him, I see a glimpse of that bitch screaming his name with the pleasure of satisfaction. Every time I see him, I just feel pissed, I feel like, I could struggle him to death. I don't want him anymore. I need a divorce.
David: Are you sure about that?
katleho: I never been so sure like this.
David: what will become of Precious?
Katleho: She's not his, and I believe she's old enough she will understand. after all, I am not the one who created this whole situation.
David: You know I am here for you when you need me.
Katleho: Thank you, and thank you again for today.
David: I am glad I could do something to help you, let's get you home.
Katleho: Will it be a problem if I stay here for tonight.
David: Stay here?
Katleho: Yeah, I am sorry but I don't want to go to that place, Am not ready.
David: No problem, I will prepare you for a spare room.
Katleho: Thank you so much, David, thank you for being there for me when I needed you.

I said that embracing him.



I heard a knock it was John, I didn't expect him, I mean like ever since we paused about Precious, we hardly communicate. so I was surprised to see him here unannounced.

Dineo: Come in, what are you doing here?
John: Juliet is at the hospital
Dineo: Is that the reason why you had to come here, why didn't you call me and tell me through a phone call?
John: I am sorry for the disturbance.
Dineo: what is she doing there!!!
John: she had a miscarriage. she lost her baby
Dineo: What do you mean when you say she lost her baby?.
jonh: she lost her baby, and she believes that Katleho is behind this.
Dineo: (Dammit Katleho!!!. You crossed the line, It's time you pay for your sins), It's time you finish up with her daughter, kill Precious!!!
John: I thought you said...
Dineo: I said kill her Dammit, the task should be done before the end of this week, I want to see her dead body, I don't care on how you gonna do it.
John: Okay, I will see what to do to finish up your task
Dineo: I am hoping for the best results out of it, you can leave!!!
John: Goodnight.

Dammit, Katleho, I thought I had you, but you just started a fight, exactly on how she lost her child you going to lose yours too, I hope you started this knowing that you are ready for everything that could come your way.

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