Part 65

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I was left with Daniel. He just gave me a look. I didn't want to entertain his behavior towards Germain. but I was forced to.

Katleho: You know me and Germain we share a child right?
Daniel: What does that mean, or do with me?
katleho: What I am implying here is that he is welcomed here, he can be here whenever he wants to check up on his Girl.
Daniel: For his girl not for you, and last time I check Precious is at school, he's well aware. After all Precious has a phone so they can communicate.
Katleho: Okay.
Daniel: Are you not going to apologize?
Katleho: Umh For what?
Daniel: Having him here, or maybe for tailing me?
Katleho: I don't think I follow?
Daniel: You had me followed.
Katleho: Oh I don't think I have to apologize for that.
Daniel: You know it's wrong.
Katleho: You know, I don't know you anymore Daniel. You don't see wrong on what you did in me. You cheated on me for Goddess's sake, now I should apologize to you, for cheating on me, or for your disloyal. You don't even see the wrong in it, in fact, you care about how I got the information. You are crazy. On a serious note, something is wrong with you.
Daniel: I didn't say what I did is not wrong. I just..
Katleho: Do you think I care, I don't care anymore. You don't do it for me anymore, or it will be better if we have it written on that black and white paper!!
Daniel: It's best you save papers and ink, ain't gonna give you Divorce. I just messed Up once. You can be divorcing me.
Katleho: I don't have time to do this with you.

I went to take a quick bath, by the time I exit my room there was a knock on the door, at least he made it on time.

Daniel: Who are you here for?
David: Katleho, Oh and Hey Daniel I have heard a lot about you. Nice to finally meet you.
Daniel: What did you hear about me?
David: Not staying true to your wife, You know what I mean( he grinned)
Daniel: What!!
Katleho: David, You just on time, let's go.
Daniel: You are not going anyway with him!!!
Katleho: What will you do?
David: You look beautiful as always.
Katleho: You ensured to stay winsome in that formal, we are using your car right?
David: Yes of cause my dear.

We went out, Daniel was so shocked, I believe it took him by surprise.



I was sited listening to those pains, they come stronger and go, I have been having those pains not so long. Maybe it's part of the early pregnancy. I mean like, I was never pregnant before, I took pain blocks, I hope it won't be a big deal ever since I wasn't supposed to take anything unless what my doctor prescribed for me. I haven't started with my doctor's appointment. I mean like it's still early to start. I went to bed and try to sleep, the more I shut my eyes off the more the pains become stronger. That was my yesterday. Today they were stronger than yesterday. I felt wet, I tried as hard as I could to get off from my bed. I found blood on my sheet, I panicked. I called Lucky to come and take me to the hospital. I wasn't well, the bleeding became heavy and those strong pains were not helping, while still waiting for him, I went to Google to see if is it safe, cause I believe I am having a miscarriage. I don't want to think of miscarriage. Through Google, they are the same results of miscarriage. I am not having a miscarriage, no!!!. The door opened he helped me out to the car.

Lucky: Are you feeling too much pain?
Juliet: they are stronger, yes. I think am going to die.
Lucky: when did the pains start?
Juliet: Yesterday Lucky!!!
Lucky: Why didn't you call me yesterday
Juliet: I thought they just pains they will pass Dammit, am in pain stop questioning me and take me to the hospital
Lucky: Let me take you to the hospital stay strong okay!!! they going to help you, babe.

He tried to be as fast as he could to get to the hospital. as for me, I was now crying, we reached the hospital, they gave me attention.

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