Part 77

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He showed me the copy of the glimpse, it's a girl who was laid on the floor unconsciously, we find out it's Precious Kgasago, she was at the hospital with no hope, we tried to talk with her parents they gave me the statement of what happened, we even went to the extent of talking with her friend, who found her on the floor, she gave us the report, we believe the suspect is the one who got shot by the sniper. So now we wonder who could be a sniper, we still doing the investigation, we are waiting for Precious to be at better state so that we get her report to see if the story will add up with what we received. We have been checking on her often. There's still no change in her, in fact, she keeps on getting worse to a point that she's using life support machine. All the doctors lost hope in her. They're all doubting she will survive. so we told her doctor that if a miracle happens, they should keep us updated.  We waiting for a phone call while we still watching other ways that can lead us to the sniper.

***7 months later***



We gave her the dignified funeral, the service went well. It was only her relatives and my relatives, My close friends gave me support. I can say everything went according to how it was planned, so just like that, I lost a wife. That's insane. She came into my life and turn my life around, She claimed that she's pregnant and destroy everything I have build with Katleho. she ensured that I marry her and after she faked the miscarriage, she even went to the extent that she almost killed Katleho and my Precious. I met Devil in a human form. Now that she's gone I believe everything will be back to normal, Cause I have already lived my life being scared that something bad can happen to my loved once. It's been months since we buried her, I tried to get a hold on of Tebogo, she told me that I should stop calling her. I decided to give her space, I had my focus on Precious, her state keeps on getting worse, it's more like she is slowly dying. I was at the hospital with Katleho. A few weeks ago the doctor came with the suggestion that needs us to make a decision, he said to us, ever since there is no chance they want to switch off the life support machine, None of us agreed to it, only to realize that this is the hopeless situation ever since the doctors had no hope on her and her life is at their hands. We should just stop being hard-headed and sign up for the paper. Today's morning Katleho called me and she told me that she's ready to sign the papers. I hate to say this, but that's the best option after all our pockets are drowning from the hospital bills. We are having the forms with us

Germain: Are you sure you want to do this?
Katleho: Eish, it hurts, but I don't have a choice, It's been a while now, 7 months with no change, Her life depends on that life support machine, It's time I set her free.
Germain: I still believe that's the best decision, ever since everyone has no hope, even though it hurts that we finally losing her.
Katleho: At least you have your family, as for me, she was the only thing that was left for me
Germain: I am here for you Katleho
(I went over to embrace her. Such a Heartbreaking situation. we broke the hug) Now put a signature to end everything.
Katleho: Yeah
She took a pen as she was about to sign the forms someone intruded.
Desmond: Wait!!! what are you doing, I heard that you want them to switch off the life support machine
Germain: I am a sorry boy, but yes
Desmond: No, you can't do that, please don't lose hope on her, I beg, she, she is the love of my life. I can't lose her. please don't do it, she will come back. believe me, she will come back for me.
Germain:( Katleho broke down) boy look
Desmond: No, Please don't do it, She's a fighter she will survive. Just give her a chance, let her give up on her own then. she managed to hold on till this far, she's gonna make it, please, Katleho don't do this, Listen to your heart, what does it says, It still has a hope right? follow your heart.
Katleho: I am truly sorry Desmond but, I have to do this. she means a world to me, but I can't stand to see her struggling this much, there is no life on her, I should just let her be. I should just set her free, she needs to be set free so that she rest in peace So that she get out of that pain. please understand that I have no choice, I care for her to set her free.
Desmond: Fine, I guess I should go and say goodbye.
katleho: Thanks for understanding
She said that and waste no time putting a signature on the papers. We went to submit the form and request 5 minutes in bidding our goodbyes to her.



I found an attraction in you, love at first sight, Just as I have found you, You are taken away from me. Past 7 months were the worst days of my life, now that they are setting you free, My lonely days have started, at least those past day, I lived with the hope that tomorrow might be different. I had hope that you will come back to me. I thought I meant a world to you, I am sorry that I couldn't protect you that night but I assure you, whoever did that, he is going to receive his punishment in hell, As for you rest in peace, and remember this I love you and be my Guidance angel in heaven, plus the Angel title suits you perfectly. I love you Precious Kgasago.

I was distributed by somebody who cleared his throat, it should be Germain. I kissed her on the cheek and went outside to give them space.



The decision was the hardest, We went to see her for the last time. I felt free that she's gonna be free from this whole machines,

I went closer and hold her hands.

Baby, I love you a lot, I am sorry that you had to go through a lot at such a young age. I am sorry that you got punished for my sins. I am setting you free to go and be with other Angel on the throne. It hurts to say these words but I have to say Goodbye. I love you a lot, and as you asked me, I will be stronger for you. Go and be at your peaceful home and watch over me.

I was now tearing, It hurts a lot to lose her, then Germain went to have his say.

Germain: God has his plans, that we are not aware of, Now that your Journey has ended, Go well. I was looking forward to making up for the lost time I couldn't have with you. But God has his other plans, I am sorry I wasn't the best daddy to you. I am sorry, please forgive me. Have a beautiful journey to heaven. We love you.

We got disturbed by the doctor

Doctor: Its time for me to switch off the machine
Katleho: We will be outside

We went outside, We found Desmond, he hugged me, it seems like he was crying as his eyes were red. It hurts a lot. After ten minutes we saw two Doctors getting into Precious's ward. So it's truly over my child is gone. A few minutes later the Doctor came to us.
Katleho: So, It's over you here to tell us that she's gone, It's over.

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