part 51

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The following morning i went to school. well am schooling at Capricorn high school around Polokwane. Nothing interesting happened just the usual. having teachers infront of us shooting endless questions. it didn't take longer to be school out and I was so glad to be out. I normally use a staff to go to school, but they only drop me at the gate in the morning. after school ill catch my staff in Limpopo mall entrance.  So ever since is a workers staff I will go to the studio just to pass time until its 3:30 ill then go back to catch my staff. I only do that when lerato is with his boyfriend. if she's around we normally do shopping, so today I was with my friend we were all over polokwane. we were in Identities when I see someone who took all my attention. It was my Mr Perfect, helping on the till he seemed too perfect to be stuck in that till. he is dark in colour have his hair curled. he is taller with that Yummy body shape. I took my precious time to admirer him.

Lerato: What do you think about this gean? Precious am talking to you, to Earth precious!!! who are you ogling?

Precious: ( that was when i snap back to reality) Ooh sorry I was lost in my thoughts.

Lerato: Ofcouse you are lost in your imaginary world, I wonder who is he. I mean like taking your attention like that. I thought you don't date

precious: Ofcouse I don't date.

Lerato: Just wait and watch. I am inlove with this gean am taking it.

Precious: I like it go and fit it

Lerato: I believe it's gonna be perfect in me. lets go to queue. I so wish to be helped by that black diamond over there.

Precious: You have a boyfriend Lerato

Lerato: It doesn't matters

Precious: Come on

Lerato: Unless if you like him, Hey Mr Yummy.

Mr perfect: Hello, how can i help you?

Lerato: I wanna have this gean, Precious what kind of shoes can I take?, ooh look at those shoes. Am coming back.

Precious: Lerato no!! you going to delay the queue

Mr Perfect: Boy I saw you soon as you can bounce in through the door, when you start doing your thing you make me notice you even more.

Precious: umh...

Mr perfect: Your smile, I will like to know more about his smile( I winged), ooh and she said ill like to see you and I wanna get to know you too, this is a start of something special am happy that I met you

Precious: I am totally lost, what are you talking about?

Mr perfect: Am your number one fan. That was beautiful performance.

Precious: Ooh my, you singing my lyrics. I see thanks anyways

Mr: I will like to see you and I wanna get to know you too. can we go out sometimes for drinks, indeed that will be a start of something special

Lerato: Precious, I want us to go to legit those shoes are not enticing, Hey Yummy, let me settle my bill.

Mr perfect: Yeah sure, say hello to your friend and enjoy your day.

Lerato: Ooh yeah we will do, let's go Precious

Mr perfect: Precious your number?

Precious: Let's just say if you really need this then you will have to find me

Mr perfect: I like challenge, take care.

Precious: Ill do thanks.

Lerato: Ooh girl what was that all about?

Precious: Nothing Lerato, let's go to legit.

Lerato: No you can't say its nothing, you tell me

Precious: Lets go...

The staff came and we went home when I got home, I found uncle Dee in the kitchen.

Precious: Uncle Dee you preparing Dinner is my mother okay?

Daniel: Yeah your mother is okay and am not preparing dinner. am just preparing food for my self.

Precious: Let me help you,where is Mom?  she is the one who is supposed to be preparing food for you.

Daniel: She said she is tired.

Precious: Did you guys fight?

Daniel: If not you being the issue here.

Precious: Listen Uncle Dee, I am just doing what I am destined for, I am sorry that it had to bring so much saga. but that's what i wanna do and your wife should accept.

Daniel: Its okay by the way you know your story I was taken that day.

Precious: Really?

Daniel: Yes really honestly having your mother watching your performance I thought she will turn around her mind.

Precious: you just thought wrong, are you sure that you guys are okay?

Daniel: It's your mother, she is not the same woman that stole my heart anymore.

Precious: What do you mean by that?

Daniel: Argh i shouldn't be discussing this with you.

Precious: Come on daddy you know you can talk to me right.

Daniel: WOW, i can't believe you just called me daddy.

Precious: Ofcouse you are daddy, have your food and ill go and get out of this school uniform.

Daniel: Thanks for saving me from messing up this kitchen

Precious: As long as you sort your things out with your woman.

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