Part 67

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A few minutes later the doctor came in.

Doctor: You are awake, I didn't want to wake you up.
Juliet: It's okay.
Doctor: The Abortion went successful, but your bleeding won't stop anytime soon, especially those pains. but I will give you pain blocks, how are you feeling?
Juliet: So it's true, I had an Abortion, and you believe I did it.
Doctor: Ma'am we tried to check the cause of you abortion and we found mifepristone and misoprostol abortion pills on your system.
Juliet: I swear I didn't take them, I think someone put them to my drink or something.
Doctor: I am sorry for your loss, you are being discharged, we can't keep you here any longer. but my advice is when you get home, stay where you feel comfortable and have something to keep you busy, eat food, read books, movies, or whatever you like to help pass the time, and not focusing on your cramps. 
Juliet: Okay.
Doctor: Here is your medication, but please, don’t take aspirin because it can make you bleed more.
Juliet: Okay, thanks for helping me.
Doctor: I am only doing my job, you can call someone to come and fetch you.
Juliet: Umh, can I please use your phone, mine is flat.
Doctor: Okay, I will give you space for your phone call.

He gave me his phone, I called Lucky, he didn't pick the call. I tried several times, he didn't pick up. Luckily I knew Daniel's number, I called him. he answered after a first missed call.

Juliet: Daniel, it's me, Juliet.
Daniel: Which part of stay away from me, you didn't understand?
Juliet: I need your help please, I want you to come and take me home, I am at the hospital. please I wouldn't call you if I wasn't desperate.
Daniel: What are you doing at hospital this time?
Juliet: I will explain when you get here.
Daniel: Am not coming.
Juliet: Daniel please, just rescue me, I really need your help. ( he paused for the minute)
Daniel:  Okay which hospital.

I gave him the location, and start packing my small bag, Luckily he got me the clothes this morning. I made a quick change, by the time I was done Daniel was already here. I returned the phone to the Doctor and have the ride to home with him.


I went to fetch her, she was in so much pain. as much as she was no longer my favorite after what she did. I felt pity for her.

DANIEL: What happened to you?
Juliet: Your wife happened.
Daniel: Were do my wife fit in?
Juliet: She killed my baby.
Daniel: You are insane, Katleho will never do that.
Juliet: Okay, I am in no mood to be having this conversation with you, Afterall my wounds are still fresh, it hurts to think that I just lost my child, having pills poured into my drink.
Daniel: How sure are you that my wife did that to you?
Juliet: I will have my proof and she will go to prison.
Daniel: Stay away from my wife Juliet.
Juliet: Not until I have my Revenge
Daniel: Don't you think you have caused too much damage
Juliet: No, I was far away from your family and she came for me, she killed my innocent child. I mean like I came clean with you that he is not yours so why will she kill my child.
Daniel: Exactly, the child wasn't mine so why will she kill your child, she's not heartless.
Juliet: Maybe because I have been screwed up her husband for 6 months, you know hate can leads you to do evil deeds,plus that pregnancy made me to become a fan of her restaurant's food. You will never know, anything might have happened, think of it they found abortion pills on my system and I Didn't take any of them. how did they get on my system? she was the only person I wasn't getting along with.
Daniel: My wife will never be so heartless, shut your mouth cause you only talk shit.



My day was just normal, day classes. Desmond would cross my mind, everytime he crosses my mind I try hard to prevent myself from thinking of him. My first experience in a relationship wasn't good. I can't engage in such, no way. honestly speaking I can't make peace with the fact that I lost those pills. How did I lose them? but it doesn't matter anyway. Today it's Friday I have a gig, my manager said he will come and collect me around 8.

I got home my mother was here alone, no sign of Uncle Dee. she was sited on the chair she seemed to be lost in her thoughts.

Precious: Katleho, you home early today.
Katleho: I wasn't feeling well, are you okay? how was your day at school?
Precious: It was good, I have a gig tonight.
Katleho: Precious it's not safe out there, you can't be going there.
Precious: Mama, it's okay, I got this.
Katleho: You won't understand, and I care for you, I don't know what will become of me if I lose you.
Precious: Is everything okay between you and uncle Dee?
Katleho: I want to divorce him.
Precious: No way, you are not serious right?
Katleho: I wish, he cheated on me, am setting him free.
Precious: What did he say about the divorce?
Katleho: We haven't talked about it yet.
Precious: Mother you know everyone make mistakes, especially this day everybody cheats. you don't know how many cars stops at the school gate to get girls of my age, when you check its uncle Dee's age group running around with kids. forgive him and be grateful that he managed to respect you for so many years. He only lost control now. he is guilty, I can tell he regrets, have a forgiving heart and be grateful that you managed to get married. don't quit after so many years of your marriage. the love you two share is priceless, I have never believed that true love does exist but with what I see every day when I return from school, it shows me that I could believe in love. You have been through a lot together and he is the very same guy who saved us from death, he's a good person and he loves you. He can die for you that how deeper he loves you. please don't quit on him.
Katleho: I can't believe you are the one saying this, my little girl giving me advice. I never saw this day coming.
Precious: Find a way to deal with this whole mess, anger can make you do things, I can't believe I almost made someone to miscarriage.
Katleho: What!!!
Precious: Umh No!!!. I don't...
Katleho: Precious!!!
Precious: I almost pour abortion pills on someone's food at the restaurant.
Katleho: What! why will you do that and when, who?
Precious: Her name is Juliet, I found that the guy that broke my heart, he is dating her and she impregnated her. so I was too jealous. but I didn't do it, I don't know what happened to those pills I lost them. I searched for them I couldn't find them.
katleho: I haven't taught you to be like these.
Precious: I know mama and am sorry.
Katleho: Am glad you came to your senses on time. Go and get out of that school Uniform.
Precious: Okay.

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