part 44

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I was disappointed and hurt at the same time after he left, I just lied on the floor feeling helpless. How could I be so stupid when he showed me all the signs that he doesn't want me anymore. I just thought things have changed he came back home, so it means that he's going to engage her. That's so insane, how could he engage someone while he married me traditionally, he is crazy or should I say he's full of sh*t but then it seems like he doesn't know who he is messing with, its time I introduce him to the other side that he didn't know, maybe that will be when he respect me. I am going to take it all that he has. Am going to ensure that I break his heart. After all, he is the one that causes this whole mess. I was still in my thought when the phone started ringing, it is not my phone. He left his phone behind I can't blame him with that rush, I went to answer the phone. Katleho on his phone screen

Dineo: Germain's phone hello


Dineo: Hello, can you hear me?

She said nothing and hanged up, girl you don't know what you just got yourself into. I took her number luckily his phone wasn't locked, it didn't have any password and then I cleared her incoming call from the phone history. I took out the battery I know Germain very well if he finds his phone off he will think the battery is low so he will just put it on the charger for about 5 hours without touching it. I took his phone and put it in the closet and hide the battery in the drawer. I waited for about an hour still no sign of Germain I then took my phone and texted Katleho

Dineo: " Hey this is Germain can I see you tomorrow next to the damn that's the only peaceful place I can be with you I will explain everything when you get there".

Katleho:" who's phone are you using where is your phone?"

Dineo: " after your phone call she became mad at me she even took my phone she said she doesn't want to see you near me, can you please come I beg

Katleho: " No am not coming Germain it's far I can't walk that distance".

Dineo: Please I gotta go I will see you tomorrow around 10, its gonna be different in a special way I promise you not going to regret meeting me up if you have a say text me on this number please, I love you.

She didn't reply to the text, I hope she shows up. I then dozed




Keeping distance was really hard I would pack my car a few houses before her place and stare at her place deciding whether to go in or not. At first, it came this way and then a few days later I discovered Germain's in and out to katleho's place. I felt so disappointed how could she let him in after what he put her through I was with her, I witnessed her breaking down but then I just decided to keep my distance ever since she choose him over me, just as I thought I was done with her, I noted something that took my attention, I thought I was the only one that is stalking Katleho and then I noted Germain wife Dineo, I started wondering what is it that she's planning I started following her to know more, all she does was to follow Germain when he goes to Katleho's place she will just stay there with the other who drives the car and stare at the house like I do it seems like we are going through the same pain it hurts but then I don't know what she is capable of, what if she decided to go in and harm her. After discovering that I ensure to keep an eye on Katleho's place, I ensured to be there every morning till late cause at some time Germain will stop by before going to work or skip his lunch to spend a day with her and as always he is followed.



I thought of checking up on Germain but then I guess my timing wasn't right, I didn't say a thing over that phone call. When he texted me with the other number that was when I knew things went to south, it's best I stop him from seeing me, my guts told me to not go but then I just thought it will be a good time to talk to Germain to stay in his line and stop this whole thing he's a married man. I wouldn't like it if it happens to me in my marriage.

It's around 8 when I wake up I did my hygiene and went out, it's going to be a long journey to me, when I get there is was around 9:50. Still, no sign of him I texted the number that we were using yesterday I have arrived I hope you will be on time in few seconds to my surprise I see Dineo. I started shaking so that was the setup. I have been set up, ooh Lord.

Katleho: Dineo what are you doing here

Dineo: Do you really need an answer to that?

Katleho: umh yeah( he took out a pistol and point it at me I was shaking, I never been so scared for the whole of my life

Dineo: Okay it goes like this, anyway I don't mind saying this to you, you are going to die anyway. Once upon a time, I found myself a crush the guy I have been eyeing since I knew him, I made all the effort to win him but guess what it never worked because someone was on the picture. I had to come up with the plan but this other little rat was on my way. I had to chase her away. I faked pregnancy, I had to fake my family for the negotiations to be successful and also a miscarriage do you know how much did it cost me for that, a lot of money I didn't mind it because it was of the good cost. After all the effort she came back for just a week she took him away. She destroyed everything I have been working hard from. These days at nights he gives me his back I don't know when last did he make love to me, I am not longer having him sweet talk me, after all, we are talking about my husband.

Katleho: you forcing yourself to him he doesn't love you

Dineo: yes because you are now on the picture, few months while you were away he learned to love me he was coming along so good but now that you are back you little rat he is been distanced

Katleho: just set me free I will be away from your husband

Dineo: ha ha ha, not so easily bitch I warned you long ago you never listened so it's unfortunate that things will have to go this far, so you wanna know what is it that am going to do, am going to kill you and your precious baby and get rid of the evidence, I wanna watch him breaking down and I will be there to console him then that will be when we forget about you

Katleho:( I was now shedding tears) Please I beg, just tell me what I should do I will do it ride away..if it takes me to disappear ill do that please I beg

Dineo: sweet move but then your time has gone now it's about me ending my mission

She had the gun pointed in my big belly, I was breaking down prying for heaven to accept me at least cause it the end of me, cause this is the isolated place there is no way that I can be rescued I can't say I do the tricks my phone is inside the bag, am Dying, this is the end of me, she released the bullet that went straight to my stomach I cried in pain even my baby girl, I felt so weak just as she was about to release another one straight to my heart then I heard another gunshot from the background. As for me I couldn't see what was going on I was suffocating I cried in pain as I take my last break.


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