part 63

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As I was stepping away from Germain, I found Daniel watching me. it seems like he saw what just happened because I searched through his face, hurts is written all over his face, I changed my direction and go to my mother-in-law.

Katleho: Mother.
Mother: My child.
Katleho: Thanks for the invitation, it really means a lot to me.
Mother: Really?
Katleho: Yes it's been a while we had such.
Mother: I did that because I noted that this family is slowly falling apart, we hardly have those gathering and everyone is busy with his or her family. I am just glad that everyone didn't take my invite lightly and came, it means a lot to me, Thank you for coming.
Katleho: My pleasure ( I have her a faint smile, she's a sweet soul. I really like her a lot.)
Mother: Is everything okay with you and Daniel?
Katleho: ( It took me by surprise, I didn't expect that question.) Yes, ma'am, I assure you that everything is going well.
mother: I am your mother too, you know you can talk to me right?
Katleho: I do know that very well, why are you so convinced that there is something going on?
Mother: I know my son, I can tell when he is not good, and right now he is not good, and whatever it is, he is feeling guilty.
Katleho: Really, are you sure that he didn't say anything to you?
Mother: No, he said nothing to me, and the tension between you too speak louder.
Katleho: ooh...
Daniel: Mother can I steal her for a moment?
Mother: It's okay, Katleho stay strong and overcome whatever is troubling you.



Daniel: Are you crazy did you just shared our problem with my mother?
Katleho: Oh wait let me correct you, it's your problem, not mine, and again I believe is not my place to tell.
Daniel: So over everybody, you chose your Ex for Revenge, that's a low blow Katleho.
Katleho: What are you talking about?
Daniel: I saw how cozy you were like with him in that darkness.
Katleho: Listen here Daniel, I am not like you, I stay true to my vows. I didn't just say those words to please the crowd, Those are the words that come from heart, and believe me. you are not the only guy who came into my life, After our marriage, a lot of guys came to try their luck in me, and believe me, greek gods. others I couldn't resist, they lead me straight to temptation, but because I chose to stay true to you and respect you enough. I didn't let that temptation overpower me, but anyway it doesn't matter anymore, I can have everyone I want, in spite of who they are, a stranger, my Ex or someone you know, you shouldn't care cause I am done with you for good.
Daniel: what do you mean when you say done for good?

I wasn't aware that I was louder to get everyone's attention. she put the glass of wine down and go out to her car, I didn't understand what she meant done with me. I followed her calling her name. She ignored me and start her car. I followed her with my car.



An awesome night I had here, I looked around but I couldn't spot my parents. I panicked, did they left me behind. No, they can't leave me behind knowing too well that I should go to school tomorrow, I went upstairs to check them on the other rooms, they weren't there. I was drained as I walked down the stairs, I tried to call my mother her phone was off. I tried to call Uncle Dee it went to voicemail. I sit down on the stairs in the dark. replaying their moments, trying to figure out what would've made them leave me behind. it doesn't make any sense. I will ask Germain to give me a ride.
Someone cleared the throat, that brought me back from my thoughts.
It was the guy that split my dress with his drink earlier, It was dark as lights were off, but his light complexion glows in the dark. this whole scene took my interest, as I was still admiring, he fleshed out his smile, his lips are dark brown and pinkish at the same time, I don't expect you to understand cause I don't understand either. he has a beautiful smile with his teeth whitening, I moved to his eyes, they glow in the dark just like his smile,I admired his whole body, that's only when I noted that he is winsome, I felt this other strong desire arousing through me, my mind went naughty I bite my lips, he cleared his throat for the second time. I slapped my mind mentally for going that far, especially after what Lucky did to me and then anger builds inside of me.

The Guy: Hello I am Desmond.
Precious: Hello Desmond, am Precious( he came and sits next to me)
Desmond: Nice to meet you and am sorry that we had to meet like that, I am terribly sorry for spoiling your mood and the dress, I am sorry.
Precious: I am sorry for shouting at you.
Desmond: It's okay, so why are you sitting here alone.
Precious: I just needed a piece of mind.
Desmond: Trouble in paradise?
Precious: No, my parents left me here.
Desmond: I will give you a ride
Precious: No, you don't have to.
Desmond: But I want to.
Precious: Okay then let's go

The ride to my home wasn't long but it was fun, he was playing brandy so we were singing along. To my surprise he didn't ask for directions to my place, I didn't ask why, just grateful that I reached home safely, I still wonder, how did I trust a stranger, but he's cute to be trusted. he packed on the gate.

Precious: Thank you for bringing me home.
Desmond: I am glad, I could help.
Precious: He fleshed his irresistible smile, I lost my focus on his lips, wondering how will his kiss be like. Is he a slow kisser, I was wondering to my self. I didn't even see his move, all I know his lips met mine. Finally, it happened. I mean like, what I have been yearning for, and then as I close my eyes the glimpse of Lucky appeared to me, I remember how I have been betrayed by this love thing, I pulled off and slapped him. shouting, leave me alone. I got off from his car and run to my bedroom, luckily the house wasn't locked.

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