Part 26

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I just woke up with the banging head there she is sleeping next to me naked that was when I remember what happened last night, I tried not to wake her up and went back to my sleep, I was woken up by her holding tray of food, telling me that there's a meeting, I had my breakfast and went to take a bath

after bathing I went to the join everyone to my surprise everyone is here even our uncle Hendrick this should be bigger than I thought, I send my greetings to everyone and settle down on the chair next Dineo, everyone was staring at me

daddy: Germain I asked you to be at the meeting, but you were absent so the decision that is taken now you have no say in it, you were  Do been, it's, believe me, Germain, 't there at our negotiation yesterday if you had a say you've presented yourself to say your part

Germain: okay I understand

daddy: firstly you should stop acting like a kid having night out having endless drinks because of stress, you have grown you are going to be a father so you are expected to act responsibly, but that's not what we discussed, am glad that you two are getting along because we are going to pay damages and lobola on your behalf, so this means you should sort your things out and start preparing better environment for the sake of the child

you are going to quit with your performance and your career, you see your mistakes I don't want to see another girl coming here telling us you impregnated her, she should be the first and the last, that's not how I taught you to do things, you should have stable relationship  and you choose to do that with her, you have the offer to be a management, you are going to manage your uncle's restaurant in Polokwane ever since you don't want to your portion in the family company, this will help you find your feet, you have two weeks to choose the car f  your choice to avoid using a taxi,evening I said it's non-negotiable

Do you are going back home to sort things out with your aunt before the end of this week and prepare everyone for the negotiation, we don't want to be welcomed in the unhealthy environment and ended out of street you have a month to do that

Dineo: with all due to respect father I have only one request can I at least leave after a month all along I will try to get on hold with her

Daddy: as long as at the end of the day you sort things out

Germabeenre you all aware that you have been discussing my life here and doing my future plans here, you want to know the funny part of the story here is, I don't even have a say on how you want me to live my life, I mean my life here(they all went quite I was so furious I don't have a proper word to call what they are doing to me telling me how to live my life that why me and my father I don't get along, I avoid things like this they take control of your life, they plan for your future without being aware all they do is driving you to the direction on how they planned your future in the name of being supportive and giving their opinion, he is good at it he can even plan your funeral while you still he,althy and kicking, After the meeting, I went out only to bumped into Katleho on the way, it seems like she from school, just to see me she changed the phrase it seems like she's avoiding me)

Germain: you can't avoid me forever especially when we from the same hood

Katleho: what can I do for you Germain

Germain: Can I talk to you

Katleho: what do you want

Germain: Katleho I know you have been hurt but just know that I love you, I know you don't believe what I say but believe me it's true you are different from everyoneit'shave met am sorry that loving me it's hard it had to come with a lot of baggage but please don't give up on me stick with me and give me second chance to do right, to rectify my mistakes please I beg

Katleho: how are you going to do that you can't return the baby, there's a soul involved here

Germain: I know but there's only one-way t, believe me, rescue me from this mess, believe me, it will workout

Katleho: Which is

Germain: let's get you pregnant, fall pregnant for me please carry my child Katleho

Katleho: are you listening to yourself are you losing your mind

Germain: believe me it going to work for us I have hope in it please I pled!!

Katleho: I can't choose to be stuck with you forever it's already been a month of us dating but you've already brought a lot of heartbreaks and headache to me you are not good for me please just make peace with it and stay away from me I can't do this with you anymore more please just accept it and stop fighting it,

Germain:( I look at her with the begging eyes) please don't, Germain, to me

Katleho: just let go, Germain, it's for the good cost

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