Part 58

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I don't drink but ever since what I have received today. My movements was to go and collect his whisky and glass and drown on it. Waiting impatiently for him to get back. after two hours I was now tipsy, the door slowly opened. he got in. I could see a shock written all over his face. I can't blame him, he never saw me drinking or at this state. he has been starring at me for so long now with his jaw dropped. He run his eyes through me, with his concerned face. I just look at him. all the anger aroused through me, I felt like I could go straight to him and throw countless fist on him.

Daniel: Katleho are you drinking?.
Katleho: Yes, come and join me, what you just did, It worth a celebration.( he Marched to me and snitch the half bottle of whisky inside my hand, I grinned and let out the soft laughter)
Daniel: What have gotten into your head, What is wrong with you?.
Katleho: Come on we are celebrating, don't spoil the fun, pour yourself a glass of whisky so that we make a toast, I will take the lead,( He quietly stood there and watch me.)cheers to you saving me from my enemy and after helping the very same enemy to defeat me.( I couldn't help it but laugh at his straight face turning into a confusion, I reached to the table and took out the picture of her side chick and Dineo and give it one last glance with a grin on my face and pass it to him) you never saw that one coming huh? Look at yourself.
Daniel: What the hell is going on here.
Katleho: It turned out that the very same lady that you are messing around with, is a friend with my enemy, am pretty sure that it has crossed your mind that its been a trap that you are stuck within, well congratulations my husband, you have made it. you helped her in destroying our marriage. send my regards to your bitch and tell her to pass this message to her bestie" You have won, you plan succeeded but am coming for you, this time around my fight will lead you to an early grave and Hey Imma big girl i have grown balls she should never underestimate me". so hun, have a beautiful sleep, oh and I believe the couch will be perfect and more comfortable for you tonight, or maybe you can go to your bitch am pretty sure that her bed is cold without you, she's beautiful though you have a good taste.( with that I winked and go to the bedroom, I don't know how many walls I have bumped into for me to get to the bedroom.)



I Just to got in the bedroom, As I was closing the curtain I spotted his jersey on the floor. I smiled as I make my way to pick it up, his scent was all over his jersey I pulled it closer to me having the idea of feel him. With that I noted I love this guy. ever since he left he didn't call me, I received a notification. I jumped through my phone hoping it will be his sms or text, only to find that its a WhatsApp text from Lerato. I then remembered I haven't taken those pills. I went downstairs, I found Uncle Dee sited in the living room he seemed lost in his thoughts, I took water from the fridge and go back to my room ensure not to disturb him from his thoughts. I took those pills and lay down on bed and fight with my thoughts if I could call him or not at the end I decided to call Lerato

Lerato: Hey friend, how are you doing?.
Precious: Am surviving and you?
Lerato: What do you mean surviving?
Precious: I just feel like I was one of his nightstand, that he was chewing and spite me in a dirt
Lerato: Don't say so.
Precious: Am sorry but that's how am feeling
Lerato: Did he bring those pills
Precious: Yes he did, he just gave them to me and turn around as if am a stranger to him, as if like nothing happened this morning.
Lerato: have you tried to call him?
Precious: No, am waiting for him. waiting as if he will.
Lerato: Just give him sometime he will do, maybe tomorrow.
Precious: I believe so, Anyway I will see you tomorrow, have a beautiful sleep.
Lerato: Same to you too, I love you.
Precious: I love you.

I hanged the phone call, I stared at my phone with another Battle to call him or not, I decided to go to Facebook, as I was scrolling, through my scrolling I met him on people you may know. I went through his timeline stalking. you can call it that way, I was taken by his glimpse, everything that took my interest was visible enough in that picture. I found my self blushing I believe am inlove. I went ahead with the scroll only to meet a lady which tagged him and only him on her picture. I went to view the picture and followed her through her personal details. she is 27 years.  it crossed my mind on which age is he. I went back to his profile to check his year of birth and it's written 1988 my jaw dropped.



I remember the day I met her. I had disagreement with my wife and went to the bar. I had few drinks. she's been ogling at me since I bounced in through the bar door. I will give her a stare and she will shift her eyes with a shy covered all over her face, and put all her focus on her friend which I couldn't see her face. I just smiled and look at my drink and drink out my sorrows , as I was busy on my drink I will again feel her stare through my skin, I shifted my eyes from my drink and I received a warm smile that stolen my attention for a second, she waved at me, I smiled and waved back the next thing she moved from where she was and came to sit next to me. I still payed my focus on the class of my whisky infront of me. as I calculated her moves, she took a deep breath that told me that she's nervous. I smiled to my drink and take a glance at it that lasted for a few seconds, I took all my focus to her only to meet her beautiful face with a small mouth that had a purple lipstick, I paused a little on her mouth somehow I craved to taste her lips, I slapped myself mentally as imagined my hands on her small waist, having my moments with her. I guess I took forever to admire her as when I went back to her face I received a seducing smile as she linked her small lips. I replied with a horse voice, she smiled a little and do the introduction with her sweet voice that send my mind away from our present moments. the next thing I was at her apartment kissing, just as I was going with the flow I remembered, I have a wife and am not willing to be unfaithful to my marriage, I pulled off from the kiss, I could see her small lips curved a little and I could see unstastisfied written on her face, before I could utter a word she attacked me with the kiss, that was the day  I became disloyal to my wife and the day I started to destroy my marriage.

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