Part 73

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We have been playing this record repeatedly, He ensured to not face the camera. It showed a guy who walked in the restaurant and go straight to Juliet's table and pour something from a small container, everything happened fast that caused Juliet to not see everything. He was wearing a jersey covered his face with a hood, he was wearing some deem classes, He avoided the cameras, he played his cards too well that he wasn't seen. We had Juliet with us, As she was watching the tape with us.

Juliet: Is there anything that could be done to track him?
Detective: we will check all the means to see what can we do towards this matter.
Juliet: Please try, I don't feel safe anymore.

My partner got in rushing, he said to me" sir there are three people who got shot last night they found their bodies on the parking lot, their bodies were of a female and two males, they haven't identified them yet. Let's go and check from the scene. We went out rushing, they send us the location as we where on the way to the scene. Indeed we found three bodies, their bodies were cold as ice, the incidence should be an overnight thing.



I have been here since yesterday and I haven't heard anything about my Child, what is going on with my baby. Why is everyone ignoring us, is she really at bad state. I am truly concerned I tried to voice out but I get ignored, I will soon go straight to her ward to find out by my self. as I was still in my thoughts pissed the Doctor approached us.

Doctor: Is this Precious Kgasago's family?
Germain: Yes, what's going on with her?
Katleho: Please tell me that my baby is okay, please!!!
Doctor: I am sorry to say this, she is in ICU, she's at very critical is rare to find someone on that stage to survive, I can say it's a miracle that we found her still breathing. She lost too much blood and chances of her survival are slim but we will try all means to help her to get out of her critical state.
Katleho: So you mean that she will survive right?
Doctor: I can't make any promise, I am sorry to say this but it's a hopeless situation.
Germain: Can we see her?
Doctor: She is unconscious, but yeah, you only have ten minutes.

He leads us to her ward, I couldn't believe my eyes, indeed my girl was dying, I couldn't recognize her. her state was truly terrible. I just cried I wasn't strong enough to watch her at this state.

We went home, I mean Germain came to my place with me. I took a bath as he went out to buy food, as I was about to rest, I received a phone call from David. it's been a little while I heard from him.

David: I am very impressed with how you took down Dineo and her guys.
Katleho: What are you talking about?
David: It's all over that they found their dead body in the parking lot, the skills your guy used is impressive, He is so untraceable. I should work with him.
Katleho: I am totally lost who's dead bodies, what is going on David?
David: Are you for real, you didn't do that?
Katleho: Do what David, stop going around.
David: The report says they are bodies found at the parking lot, they identified the bodies, and they found out that is Dineo, John and Thato. They got shot by a sniper.
Katleho: I bet she will be laying in her grave with a smile knowing that she won over her game.
David: What are you talking about?
Katleho: My girl is dying in the hospital as we speak and as for Daniel he Divorced me. Her will is being done in me, I lost everything, David. I don't even know my self. my world is shutting down, I lost my loved once.
David: I am sorry to hear that, I am coming to stay with you.
Katleho: It's fine, I just want to rest
David: I will bring you lunch, I am coming.
Katleho: David No, I...

He hanged up. What is really going on here, who's doing all this, will I be next? I am kinda glad that my nightmare is almost over. Rest in peace Dineo, I hope you could burn in hell for all your dirty deeds.

A few minutes later Germain got in, he seemed so down. I know he is expected to be down because of the state that Precious is at, but he was able to console me. He wasn't like this before he leaves, I believe he found out about Dineo. Its expected, those two shared something special. His family married him off to her, all those months being together it's expected to have it affecting him. He put the food down and exhaled.

Katleho: Are you okay?
Germain: Dineo is dead.
Katleho: I know she was an enemy but nobody deserves death, I am truly sorry.
Germain: I thought you will be happy
Katleho: I don't like what she did to my child, the fact that now my child is fighting for her life because of her, I hate it but as I said nobody deserves a death.
Germain: You have a good heart Katleho.
Katleho: I wish he would've noted as he was calling me an evil
Germain: I am sorry about your marriage.
Katleho: It's okay, I will live.

As we were talking David opened the door, he was surprised to see Germain. He couldn't hide his disappointment on his face. He gave Germain disdained look, I believe it's about jealous and it's cute to see that part of him. I am in no mood to be laughing, if not for my sorrows, I would've been laughing.

Katleho: Good evening to you too David
David: Oh my manner, Good evening everyone, katleho are you okay?
Katleho: I am not good David I...( Germain intruded)
Germain: I am in no mood to drive am sleeping over here tonight, let me go and take a bath
Katleho: It okay, I believe you know your way around here. ( Germain went upstairs, I moved my focus to David, he was so surprised)
David: You letting your Ex-boyfriend sleep here with you?
Katleho: I see no problem in it, I am in no mood for this, please
David: It means I will be sleeping over too
Katleho: David!!!
Yes, let me prepare dinner for the three of us.

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