Part 16

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Lisa: Katleho be quick are you cleaning the whole mall!!.. There is know no way you can be done while you are busy fantasizing.
Katleho: What do you want .. I am trying here.
Lisa: I told you I want your company, I can't go to town alone
Katleho: Aah Lisa! I thought we agreed on that one. I made a promise I can't let him down
Lisa: You know Polokwane more than I do. I need a hairdresser please I plead
Katleho: That's so unfair Lisa
Lisa: I will make a plan for you to sneak out to his place.
Katleho: But Lisa...
Lisa: Relax I will cover for take a bath I will finish up.

My nosey sister, she is back, I missed her so much... I have been thinking of yesterday ever since I got here .. I am in love, I feel so ready to lose my self in love...results are out to my surprise I nailed the exams so ready or not final year here I won't be a boring December to me ever since I have a boyfriend..ooh well my relationships never lasted to December I always spent this month lonely and indoors... I went to Polokwane with my sister..what I hate about having her around, she loves shopping and I hate as far as I know her we will go to every shop and I doubt I have that strength..throughout the shopping thing we met this other guy, he said his name is Patrick he offered to buy lunch for us, now we are in debonairs having meaty cram Decker...having small talking even though his attention is on Lisa I feel like a third wheel. I am rescued by incoming phone call...ooh gosh I forgot to notify him about the change of plans I feel so bad.

Germain: Promises are meant to be kept.
Katleho: Hello to you too
Germain: Where are you I have been waiting for you
Katleho: Am in town with my sister
Germain: So you are dropping me
Katleho: I am not sure I might spend the night with you.
Germain: Umh Katleho are you sure, I don't mean to pressurize you
Katleho: I thought you gonna like the idea of having me all night ..You know what I mean
Germain: You naughty little girl
Katleho: ( blushing) I will notify you when I get home
Germain: I will hear from you
Katleho: Laters babe

He hanged up..we did the rest of shopping and buy takeaways none of us will afford cooking in this state, it's around 5 when we get home. Everybody is here .. I dished up for everyone..having the family time, I mean being family of four chilling having our Talkactive sister around one of the best moments..... It's around 8 when I call Lisa to my room

Lisa: I have a better idea that needs you to be careful
Katleho: I am listening.
Lisa: She is asleep just ensure that you don't make noise. You should ensure that you come back around 5 am sweep the yard. I bet I will be awake, then I will unlock the door help you cleaning ..what do you think
Katleho: What if she wakes up and goes to my room
Lisa: I will find something to prevent that ..just go and have fun
Katleho: Okay but update me in every change.
Lisa: Yeah sure but be careful

In fifteen minutes time, I received a call telling me he is outside. I tip-toes to the first sleepover I believe it will be fun.

NB:Dear fan
I decided to proceed with part 17 after a month cause you are not empowering me, i remember stating that this is my first writing so i expect atleast a comment about my work to see where i should improve...maybe after a month i will gain courage to proceed unless you give me feedback of my work ...

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