spiders - dallas

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at this very moment, you were desperately trying to phase into the corner you were pressed against. it was the middle of the night and you were finishing some up some work when you felt something on your hand and you figured it was just an itch, moving to scratch it like normal. however, instead of getting relief, you seemed to have touched whatever was really on your hand. you pull your hand back and that's when you saw it.

it was a wolf spider.

you shriek and begin to pat yourself off as you scurry off the bed. the spider ducked into your sheets and you blanked out, not know what to do. you were never gonna find that spider now. you could never sleep in your bed ever again until you knew it was dead.

so back to the present, you're currently trying to call your girlfriend from the corner of your bedroom. she didn't answer the first time, but the second time, on the third ring, you finally hear her voice.


"ARE YOU SERIO—bro." she cuts herself off and hangs up, leaving you to fend for yourself. what if the spider is crawling around all in your room without you knowing and pops up when you least expect it? what if it's laying eggs in your bed right now? what if it had hundreds of those little babies on its back and now they're nestling into your covers? they can just have the bed at this point.

you were too busy obsessing over what you were gonna do to notice that dallas had already opened the door to your house, making her way down the hall to meet you in your room.

"where's the damn spider?" your girlfriend voices, making you jump from your spot on the floor.

"it's in the bed."

dallas steps toward the bed and scans the surface of the blankets before peeling back the covers in search of the arachnid. after about two minutes of looking she says, "i think it's gone."

your face drops in disbelief, but not for long as dallas begins to move your items and straighten out the sheets. the pillows fling off bed and so does the tv remote she didn't catch.

"DALLAS WHA-" you don't get a full sentence out because your words are caught in your throat and all the life is draining out of you. the spider lands by your feet and you scream like you're on a 1987 horror flick. your girlfriend is screaming at you to kill it but your fight or flight response kicked in and bitch you chose flight.

the spider begins to crawl up the wall until it stops near the top of the door frame. dallas takes off her slide and creeps up to the wall. she reaches her arm up to smash it but it suddenly decided to let go of its grip.

"OH SHIT." dallas shouts, the spider now crawling on her shirt. she lets out a weird noise as she brushes the spider off. it hits the ground with a thud and while it was stunned, dallas brings down her other foot to eliminate it. when all is said and done, you feel a wave of relief wash over you. your girlfriend is your hero. you shuffle over to her and wrap your arms around her torso as you nuzzle into her chest. she returns your affections regardless of her breathless state, snaking her arm around your back and holding your head to his chest. "so," she starts, beginning to sway and rock you in her arms. "what do i get out of this?"

you giggle and hug her a little tighter, "my appreciation."

even though you can't see it, she smiles.

𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐭𝗼𝐤 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐛𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐢𝗺𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now