you cuddle them in your sleep

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pyper: pyper softly grinned down at you as you snuggled closer to her, hands tightly grasping her shirt. she couldn't help but to admire your messy bed hair and the way your eyelashes seemed to softly brush against your cheeks. pyper, despite being late for school, wouldn't make an effort to move you or get out of bed, she just thought you looked too cute nestled at her side with small snores emitting from your throat. "god, I'm whipped."

dallas: dallas felt a blush rise up onto the apples of her cheeks as you placed your head on her chest, tangling both your legs together under the covers. she would gently rub your lower back while stroking your hair in a loving manner as she softly exhaled. gently closing her eyes, dallas would let a small smile slip onto her lips, snuggling closer in your hold and falling into a peaceful sleep. "how did I get so lucky?"

courtney: a whine left courtney's lips once she felt your arms wrap around her bare waist as you placed your head on her stomach, buried deep under the covers. still drowsy from being woken up she would try to gently shake you off which proved to be useless as you only held onto her tighter. after awhile of struggling court would give up on trying to leave your grasp and would softly run her fingers through your bed hair, laughing slightly at the small amount of drool on the side of you lip. "you're so cute."

ag: ag wouldn't mind your constant cuddling and would gladly welcome it with open arms. her hands intertwined with your own as she fondly watched you sleep, half of your body on top of hers. ag held you close to her chest, occasionally stroking your hair before falling into a deep sleep beside you, a small gentle grin adoring her relaxed face. "goodnight baby."

hannah: hannah laughed a little while she watched you snuggle into her, cute and small snores leaving your lips as you curled up into a ball at her side with your arms thrown around her. she'd relax in your hold and gazed fondly down at you, chuckling lowly as you buried your face into her side. hannah felt her heart speed up as she cupped the side of your sleeping face, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear before she embraced you and left a light kiss on your forehead. "sleep tight baby."

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