they come home to you asleep

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pyper: pyper's heart warms the moment she sees you. a small smile creeps onto her face as she leans in the doorway, admiring how peaceful you look. your hand is still loosely holding your pen, your hair is slightly tangled and you shirt is crumpled from the awkward position but it doesn't matter. pyper always thinks you're perfect, but this is a whole new level of perfection for her. in front of her she sees an angel, and she feels so blessed to be able to pick you up into her arms and take you to the bed you share to lay you down and get in next to you for a long night of cuddles.

dallas: dallas can't stop her smile as it spreads across her face until she's practically glowing with love for the girl drooling all over her laptop. "baby," she laughs quietly as she picks you up, securing your legs around her waist as she lays a piece of paper towel over your slightly-damp keyboard. she carries you to the bedroom carefully and slowly and removes your clothes, very careful not to look at anything. dallas then digs out some old t-shirts and shorts of hers, pulling them onto you with care before puling the duvet over you and laying beside you, wrapping you up in her arms.

courtney: courtney brushes your hair away from your face as a frown creases her brow. she's reminded you countless times that sleeping like this is bad for your neck, but you never listen. however, she can't find it in herself to stay mad at you, so she just gently picks you up, silently cursing as she knocks the mug onto the floor - luckily your apartment is carpeted so it's just a soft thud. courtney takes her time to change you into one of her t-shirts before tucking you in and going to sit as your desk. she sorts out your work into neat piles so that you'll find it easy to get started the next day.

ag: ag pouts at first. she can't help but be a little disappointed. she planned to spend the night with you, catching up on lost time. but then you let out a small squeak and she has to stifle a laugh. she settles for a long night's sleep with cuddles, and shifts you onto her back to get you into your shared room safely. ag lowers you down like you're made of glass, before removing your clothes carefully. she pulls one of her own onto you before getting in next you, pulling you so that you're just on her chest, right over her heart as she wraps her arms around you.

hannah: hannah's shoulders slump slightly as she sees you passed out on your desk. she sets down the movies she bought on the side and walks over to you. suddenly she doesn't feel so disappointed - your soft snores make her giggle and she can't help but reach out and poke your face. stifling a loud laugh at how your nose wrinkles and you shift. still smiling, hannah picks you up and cradles you to her chest, carrying you over to the couch so that she can lay down with you in top of her. she switches on the TV as she pulls a blanket over the both of you, kissing the top of your head gently.

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