you have a panic attack

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pyper: pyper's long fingers would brush through your hair as she tried to help you control your breathing. "breathe, baby," her soothing voice would help ground you. a harsh but steadier breath left your lips and she pulled you closer to her chest, "that's it baby," pyper would press soft kisses to your forehead as your breathing began to become steadier and steadier. "t-thank you," your voice was gruff from the attack. "shhh, get some rest," another kiss, this time on the tip of your nose.

dallas: dallas would hold your face in her hands as she helped to direct your breathing, "that's it, in and out," she breathed with you as the harsh and ragged breaths fell from your lips. "keep going," she whispered as you held onto her hands, "good baby, it's okay." your breath finally began to even out as your laid your head against hers, "i'm sorry." dallas shook her head, "baby no, don't apologize, i'm here for you." a smile pulled at your lips as you leaned forward to kiss her.

courtney: courtney, dealing with these type of situations personally, would know exactly how to calm you down. "in for me baby," you followed his instructions, breathing in slowly. "one, two, three," she counted, "now out for me, slowly." the air slowly left your lungs as you felt your head become clearer. "good job, baby," courtney's praise would only help ground you more, bring you out of that terrible place in your mind.

ag: ag's lips would be all over your body, trying to distract you from life's stresses that were causing you so much grief. "my pretty baby," she would say as she placed a kiss on the space of skin above your collar bone. "the cutest, smartest, and most amazing baby in the whole world," her words began to drown out the feelings in your head as you leaned into her touch. "you mean the world to me," a kiss on your forehead and finally your lips.

hannah: hannah would ask you what was wrong, to tell her everything, to let it all out. "tell me baby, i wanna help," she pulled you closer to her body as you sat on her lap. "i j-just," you began, "i'm so stressed and nothings going right and-" hannah cut you off. "shh babe, it's alright," she placed a soft kiss behind your ear, "i'm here now, and nothing's going to bother you here," her fingers tightened around your waist. "nothing can hurt your when hannah banana is here!" hannah's optimistic voice brought a smile to your face as a giggle fell through your lips.

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