you get cuddly/scared during a thunderstorm

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pyper: pyper wouldn't really know what to say exactly, but what she lacks in words she makes up for in actions. you genuinely think pyper is one of the best cuddlers in the world. she's just so soft, y'know? she'd give you gentle cuddles and kisses and rub small circles into your back to remind you that she's there for you.

dallas: dallas is the biggest cuddler next to pyper. she'd immediately open her arms to you and squeeze you tight (just right though, she wouldn't crush you or anything lmao). when thunder strikes and you get scared, she'll just hug you tighter and tell you that it's okay, that she's there and she'll protect you.

courtney: ... well, she might even be scared too. you two would comfort each other and make it a team effort to come up with ways to get your mind off of the storm outside. ideally (at least for you), a mix of both intimate cuddles, like with dallas, and fun activities, like with hannah. you'd get through the storm together and be so proud of each other at the end of it all.

ag: ag is the biggest sweetheart ever. she would cuddle you and whisper sweet words of comfort to you and would do anything to help you feel better. she'd kiss your forehead and put on some chill music to listen to help distract you (ag's taste in music is fire🔥 )

hannah: hannah would be understanding, but would probably want to take a more distracting approach, like doing a hands-on activity. like, loud noises over the sound of the thunder and closing the curtains to hide the lightning. she would want to make you laugh while still comforting you and wanting you to feel better. but if cuddles are what you want, then cuddles you shall receive.

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