they have a nightmare but you aren't there

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dallas: dallas freaked out when she woke up and you weren't there. before she even had chance to wake herself up, she sprinted around the house desperate to find you. as soon as she did, she ran over, squeezing you tightly leaving you struggling for breath. tears streamed down her face as you held her. "baby, have you had a nightmare? look at me dallas, you're safe, everything is just fine. "it was really real," she whimpered, "you weren't there." you held her closely as she composed herself, sniffing back her tears. "i'm sorry i wasn't there; i only came downstairs as i couldn't remember locking the door. but you're alright now." she nodded, loosening her grip on you lightly. "i'm fine, you're here and i'm here and we are together, and we are safe." you nodded, brushing your hand through her hair. "exactly, we're all safe, so let's head back to bed."

mia: mia would lose control when she had a nightmare, especially if you weren't there to comfort her. you could hear the commotion upstairs, running up after getting a little snack from the cupboard, hearing her screams seeing the tears roll down her face. you grabbed her arms, pinning her down. "mia!" you screamed, "calm down." her eyes met yours, thankful to see you leaning over her. "where were you? i thought you'd been taken." you used your pyjama top to dry her tears, brushing her hair out of her face. "mia, look at me, i'm alright, you're alright, just breathe, it was a bad dream, it's not real sweetheart." you leaned down, pressing your lips to hers gently. she smiled, pulling you down so you lay beside her. "i'm fine, everything was fine, it was just a dream, right?" you grinned, tracing your hand along her chest. "just a dream."

ag: ag would panic, her heart would be pounding as her eyes looked around the room for you. it was her shrieks that caught your attention, racing up the stairs, terrified that something serious had happened. the duvet would be right under her chin as you carefully walked over, sitting in front of her. "ag, sweetheart, i'm here, you're safe. what happened?" "i had a n-nightmare." her voice would be shaking as she began to calm down, reaching out to hold you, convincing herself you were. "i thought you were gone." "i'm right here," you assured her, holding her closely into your body. "i'm here, everything is just fine, i'm not going anywhere." she nodded, feeling your hands run through her hair, knowing how well it would soothe her. "don't leave me," she whispered. you looked down softly smiling at her, "i won't, ever, i promise."

izzy: izzy tried not to panic when you weren't there beside her as she woke after watching you be taken away. she assured herself you were just outside, trying to sort herself out before you reappeared in the bedroom. you walked back in noticing her tear stained eyes. "you alright? i didn't realize you were awake. have you been crying?" "just come give me a cuddle," she pleaded, opening her arms for you to climb into. "i'm fine, just need you to give me a tight squeeze." "of course, baby, i'm right here." you wrapped your arms around her waist, squeezing her tightly as her head buried in the crook of your neck. she sighed contently, relieved to have you in her arms. "can we just stay up for a bit, i don't really feel like sleeping right now." you nodded, kissing the top of her head, "of course, we can stay up as long as you want to." 

mac: mac tried to keep relaxed, but when she felt over to hug you for reassurance and you weren't there, her eyes flew open, sitting up, struggling for breath. you walked back into the bedroom after using the bathroom, alarmed by the sight before you. you ran over, wrapping her in your arms as you tried to settle her. "hey, bub, you're alright? what's wrong? tell me what happened." "it was just a nightmare, but then you weren't there and i got worried, and it sounds silly, but i really thought that you had been taken for a moment." "that's not silly baby, i'm here, no one has taken me, reach out and touch me." her hand came out and ran along your arm, it was the confirmation she needed that you were right there beside her. she smiled, leaning her head on your shoulder. "you're here, you're here," she assured herself, trailing kisses along your shoulder. you chuckled, wrapping an arm around her waist. "it was just a nightmare darling, you're safe with me."

avery: avery wouldn't know how to react when she woke up and saw the space in your bed empty. she sat up, trying to catch her breath, screaming your name out once, just needing to know that you were in the house somewhere. you ran up, looking into the bedroom. "what? i just went to shut the windows, what's going on? why are you shaking?" "it was just a nightmare." she tried to seem tough, but you could see how upset she was, walking round to sit beside her and hold her. "do you want to talk about it? we can go and make coffee or just some food?" she shook her head, holding her arm out for you. you took it, squeezing it gently. "i'm fine, i was more concerned as to where you were, but you're here, and that's all that matters." you smiled, laying back down with her. "alright baby, we'll do whatever you want."

𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐭𝗼𝐤 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐛𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐢𝗺𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora