your baby starts crying in the middle of the night

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a/n: you start dating them when your a single mother. you aren't married.

mac: mac instantly heard the thump from the baby
monitor and quickly jogged over to baby room. her little baby girl had managed to climb out of her crib and fall off while holding her pillow. she wasn't hurt as she had landed on her pillow but cried due to the small flight down to the carpeted floor. "gosh, what are you doing? are you hurt anywhere?" she looked for any bumps and bruises but luckily found none. she quickly hushed the baby and was about to lay her back in her crib but the baby wasn't ready to let go. her little baby hands were in small fists, holding mac's shirt, and she was threatening to cry again as mac lowered the baby in her bed. "you wanna sleep with me honey?" mac asking her baby while hold the little human out in front of her. as if she understood, the baby gave a gummy smile and reached out further for her. mac giggled before carrying the baby to her bedroom and carefully laying the baby between you and her self. you peeked at your two baby girls and smiled to yourself as you shifted closer to the both of them before falling asleep.

kasper: kasper opened the door to your son's room, making a sad smile at the pitiful sight in front of her. the little boy cried, reaching out to her, obviously needing comfort. "heyy, it's okay baby." she said in her low and raspy voice, the little baby's cries almost stopping instantly. "shhh." she picked him up, making him coo softly. kasper copied him, and the baby smiled back. "oh my gosh, you are so cute." she gushed, rocking him and kissing his little head gently. kasper always cherished these sweet moments alone with your son because he's only a baby for so long.

ag: she crept quietly into your home, trying insanely hard not to wake the sleeping household. silently cursing herself, she placed her bag down... then she heard the sound of your infant son crying. she froze, silently praying that she would get there before you.
"ag is hereee, you're okay" she cooed, picking the infant up. your son's eyes lit up immediately.
"look who's up." she said proudly. your son stared at ag intently, almost as if he thought she would vanish.
"and what's going on with you?" she asked. your son began responding, babbling as if he could carry on a conversation. "uh huhhh.. how did that make you feel?" she asked, carrying your son to the kitchen as she warmed a bottle. the infant responded, making ag smile. "that's terrible." she said, smiling as she fed your son. after burping him, the child was fast asleep.

mia: mia sat in the bedroom, it was about 11 PM on a friday night, her gaming night, but something threw her off. "hold on ag" she said into her mic, taking her headset off. she could hear crying coming from your daughter's bedroom. she quietly walked down the hall, performing a sneak attack on you and the baby. "ahh!" your daughter cried.  "what on earth are you two doing awake?" "i'm trying to get her asleep, and she is being very stubborn about it. she's learned it from you." you joke and mia scoffs and rolls her eyes playfully. "hey, come here." you hand mia the baby, mia kissing the baby all over, making her laugh. you cooed at the interaction between them. "ugh, do you know so you are so adorable?" she squishes the baby's cheeks.

pyper: pyper silently made her way into the house, she was back from hanging out with friends, however it was insanely late. she knew that you and your daughter had to be asleep. that was until she heard your daughter cry from her bedroom. she dashed to the baby's room, only to find her awake in her bed. pyper gasped playfully, holding her tightly. "oooohhh i missed my little girl.." she whispered.
"and what are you doing awake, hmm?" pyper asked. the baby just stared into pyper's eyes, making her blush and giggle.

izzy: izzy shot up immediately, hearing the cries from your infant son's room. she made her way down the hall, slipping into his room. "what's wrong with my baby, hmm?" she cooed, picking him up immediately. the infant's sobs died down at the feeling of your girlfriend's arms around him. he was in love with izzy, and that was exactly what he wanted. he had izzy wrapped completely around his little finger. "ahhh you tricked me huh?" she said, sitting in the rocking chair. he played with her fingers quietly and peacefully. izzy silently observed her. even though he wasn't hers, he had her eyes and beautiful blonde hair which she softly kissed.

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