the doctors - avery

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you were spending the morning with avery and her friends, just having a lazy day since no one had anything to do. you were all on avery's l shaped couch, watching outer banks. you were laying on avery, her arms loosely slung around your waist. it was so comfortable you were tempted to take a nap. after about an hour, you could feel yourself starting to get sick. your face felt like it was on fire, and you couldn't keep yourself from shivering.

"you okay?" avery asked. "yeah. just cold." she grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch and draped it over you. her hand came up to stroke your cheek and she let out a gasp. "y/n." she laid the back of her hand across your forehead. "you're burning up, baby." "i'm fine, avery." she sat up, still holding you against her. "come on, let's go to the doctor." "baby, no. i'm completely fine, i promise." she sat you beside her, bending over to put her shoes on her feet. "you're going. the flu is going around right now." you looked up at the other girls. "a little help here?"

ag shook her head. "sorry, y/n/n. she'll drag you kicking and screaming." kasper nodded in agreement. "it's true." once avery's shoes were on she crouched in front of you to slip yours onto your feet. "avery, please. i hate the doctor. they'll prick my finger." avery looked up at you, her eyes softening just a bit. "i know, babygirl, but i'll hold your hand the entire time, okay?" you gave in and let her drive you to the doctor's office.

you didn't have to wait for long before you were taken back to the exam room. you sat on the table,
avery leaning against the wall in the corner, while the doctor stood in front of you looking at his clipboard. "and when did you start exhibiting symptoms?" he asked. "like two hours ago." you croaked. your throat was starting to hurt. he took your temperature, felt your glands, got a swab of your mouth, and listened to your heartbeat.

after all of that, he pulled out the small needle to prick your finger. "i just have to get a small sample of blood to run for testing." he explained. "do you want me to hold your other hand?" avery asked, pushing off the wall. you shook your head, not looking at her. you didn't want to seem like a baby. you could deal with a little finger prick, right?

it happened quickly, the pain disappearing as soon as you felt it, and then the doctor was wrapping a bandaid around your finger. "i'll be back with your test results soon." he left, closing the door behind him. "baby? are you okay?" avery asked. you were looking down at your lap, trying to repress the tears threatening to spill over. you did not want to cry over a little finger prick, and you felt ridiculous. "baby? talk to me. do you want to go get the doctor? does it still hurt? i can-" "can you just hug me, please?" you mumbled, a few tears escaping. you reached up to wipe them away.

avery hurried over, sitting beside you on the table and pulling you into her arms. "i feel like a baby." you muttered against her chest. "you're not a baby, bub." avery assured you. "you're sick and a strange man just pricked your finger. i would cry too." she held you against her until the doctor came back. you did have the flu, and avery went into full on caretaker mode. on the drive home, she stopped at mcdonalds to get you a giant sprite. after that, she pulled into the dollar store and ran in to grab everything she needed to take care of you. she left the car running so you didn't have to go in with her.

about thirty minutes later, she was getting back into the car with two bags. "i'm sorry it took so long, baby." she sat the bags in the backseat and leaned over to kiss your forehead. "now, let's get you home."
avery took you to your apartment, holding the bags in one of her hands while the other wrapped around your waist. she took you straight to your bedroom, helping you climb under your comforter. she situated a pile of pillows behind you and laid two extra blankets over you.

you held your sprite in both hands, taking small sips because your throat was still hurting. avery sat on the foot of the bed. "do you want any soup, baby? i got you some candy too because i know you like sweets when you're sick. i have to pick up your prescription in like an hour, so i can pick up anything else you need if i forgot something."

you sat your sprite on the end table and opened up your arms. "will you cuddle me?" "of course." she laid in your arms, head on your shoulder while she gently placed a hand on your chest. you stroked her hair with one hand, the other resting on her hip. "you're like the perfect girlfriend." you said, ending it in a yawn.

"you are." she placed a soft kiss on your cheek. "get some sleep, y/n/n. you'll feel better when you wake up." "mmm. okay." you cuddled further into her, letting your eyes fall shut.

𝐭𝐢𝐤𝐭𝗼𝐤 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐛𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐢𝗺𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora