you make her blush

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pyper: pyper could feel her cheeks heat up slightly as you snuggled into her side, completely unaware of how red your girlfriend's face was slowly becoming. she gazed fondly down at you, watching as your eyes fluttered closed before burying your face into the soft fabric of her shirt. pyper's face became extremely red, letting out a small sigh of content before she sleepily whispered into your hair. "you have no idea how much I love you."

dallas: dallas tried to keep a straight face as you left small pecks on the round tip of her nose, however she wouldn't be able to hide the very apparent blush that was slowly staining her cheeks or the slight twitch of her lip. you cupped her face in your hands, admiring the flustered look and ignoring her whines before leaving a quick kiss on the corner of her mouth. "ahhhh, y/n stop it!"

courtney: courtney let out a huff of annoyance before she turned his body away from you, trying to block out the sound of your loud laughs and giggles. however, she wasn't able to stop the grin that graced her lips as a blush crept up her cheeks once she felt your small hand lay on her shoulder. she could hear you cooing over how cute you thought she looked and she had to resist the urge to hide her burning face in her hands. "y-y/n, quit it!"

ag: a boxy smile appeared on ag's face as you pouted up at her, giving her your best puppy dog eyes. she didn't pay any mind to whatever you were complaining about and cutely pinched your cheeks, a blush staining her own before her eyes turned into small crescents once she heard a small whine leave your lips. she nervously laughed, overwhelmed by your cuteness. "you're so adorable."

hannah: hannah's dimples became apparent as she smiled down at you, a blush coating her cheeks once you circled your arms around her waist, laying your head on her hard chest. you were completely oblivious to the flustered look that overcame the girls face as you continued engulfing her in your hug. she chuckled lowly, wrapping her long arms around your figure in return as she held you close against her protective body.

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