you cook with them

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avery: "grab the flour for me?" you asked as your eyes scanned the recipe in front of you. "already got it," avery said from behind you, sliding her arms around your waist and laying her head on your shoulder, "i've made this before, babe." you rolled your eyes, "i know i know, baby, you're the best cook in the whole world." you said with slight sarcasm as you measured the flour. "better than gordon ramsay?" she asked. "well..." you trailed off. "y/n!"

izzy: "why is this so annoyingly difficult?" izzy asked while grumbling over the cake batter. you couldn't help the smile that pulled at your lips, "iz, it really isn't that hard." izzy huffed and crossed her arms in a childlike manner. "aww baby..." you cooed and moved over to kiss her pouty lips. "i just wanted to make this cake for you," she groaned. "it's alright baby, we can finish it together and then we can cuddle all night, deal?" izzy nodded happily.

ag: "anna grace?!" you yelled as you entered the kitchen. ag stared at you wide eyed with flour covering her hands, the floor, and the kitchen counters, "...yes?" you huffed and crossed your arms, "what on earth were you doing?" ag pointed to the cook book on the counter, "baking." her plain answers made a chuckle form in your throat, all anger suddenly gone. "god i love you so much," you said and pulled her into a kiss. "...does this mean i'm not in trouble?"

kasper: kasper's firm hands led you to the table while your hands covered your eyes. "kaspie," you said. "shh it's a surprise. you're gonna love it." you curled your fingers in anticipation when you heard kasper set something in front of you. "open up," kasper said while pressing something gently against your lips. you obliged and chewed the food she had put inside of your mouth. "holy shit," you said and opened your eyes, "this is amazing." kasper blushed, "i made it for you babe." you pulled her into a kiss, "thank you baby, i love it."

mac: "are you sure it's safe?" mac asked while holding the mixer in her hand with wide eyes. "yes mac it's perfectly safe," you replied. "help me?" she asked with a pouty look, you took her hand in yours and guided her movements as she mixed the batter. "this is like a romcom scene," mac said with a smirk. you rolled your eyes and let go of mac's hand. "no wait come back!" she yelled while trying to figure out how to turn off the mixer. you unplugged it and walked back over to her, taking a swipe of the batter and spreading it across her cheek.

dallas: "there!" dallas said with a proud smile as she finished putting the decorations on the cupcakes. "wow babe, they look amazing," you said with wide eyes, not expecting the cupcakes to look so amazing. "you can even bake better than those chefs on tv." you leaned down to place a kiss on her cheek. "i did good?" she asked with a bright smile. you nodded, "really really good, baby. amazing even." she happily clapped her hands and picked one up for you to taste.

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