you can't swim

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pyper: "one, two, three," pyper swung you back and forth in her arms as you screamed and tried to get out her arms. water flowed into your mouth as you tried to scream as you hit the water. you began to cough, but because you were underwater, more water just seemed to enter. your hands scrambled to grab onto something stable but stayed empty. a hand was wrapped around your arm and hoisted you from the water, you began to cough out the water. "baby?" a soft voice asked from above you. pyper looked down at you with sad eyes, holding you close and apologizing.

dallas: dallas had her hands placed on your hips as she kissed your lips softly, smiling into the kiss. hands suddenly pushed at your back, pushing both you and dallas into the water. your hands gripped her arms tightly as you tried to stop yourself from going under the water. "dallas!" you yelled as you felt yourself getting deeper. her arms pulled you close to his body, keeping you above the water. "it's alright," dallas whispered soothingly in your ear as you shook in her arms, "i've got you." your shaking hands held onto her shoulders as she placed you down on a chair, giving you soft kisses of comfort.

courtney: hands scrambled to find purchase on the side of the pool as your eyes burned from the chlorine. "courtney!" you shouted as panic took over your body, you were going to drown. a splash was felt close to your body and you felt a body press against your back. "it's okay," the voice grabbed you and pulled you to the edge of the pool. labored breaths left your throat as you still felt slightly panicked, "court-" a cough left your throat, cutting off your sentence. "hush, baby, just breathe." strong hands held you tight as your breathing slowed and slowed.

ag: one second you were laughing at the side of the pool, and the next you were in the pool, eyes burning from chlorine while trying to keep yourself from going under. water filled your mouth as you scrambled and tried to yell for help. your legs kicked something that was moving and then arms wrapped around your waist. a soft voice was heard in your ear, "you're okay. we're out of the water," it was ag, "you're alright." a tear left your eye as you looked up at ag. immediately, she pulled you into her arms, rocking you back and forth. "it's okay. i promise you. i would never let anything hurt you."

hannah: hannah's arms wrapped around your middle as she hoisted you up. you began kicking your legs, trying to get out of her grip. "hannah!" you yelled. hannah merely laughed, thinking you were just joking and threw you into the water. your legs kicked widely but you were unable to keep your head above the water. what seemed like minutes later, arms were pulling you out of the water with voices shouting around you. "baby!" hannah was holding you close to her chest, promising you, "never again." soft kisses were placed on your head.

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