the tiktok lesbians as girlfriends

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pyper:  but she's honestly so soft for you she can't even pretend to be cold when you're around. she holds onto the back of your shirt or jacket when in crowded places to stay close to you. honestly just wants to lay on the couch and cuddle with you all the time while listening to good music. late night convos about how much you truly mean to her, her cheeks red as she leans in to give you a soft kiss. "i'm pretty sure you're the only person on earth that doesn't annoy me."

avery: ironically called you "bae" in the beginning of your relationship to be annoying but it's a habit now. she will not take no for an answer when she shows up at your door at 3 am to get burgers. your favorite dates are all day netflix binges, you take turns choosing what to watch and she casually plays with your hair. you made a tiktok to be funny but it went viral so that's a thing. "you're my best friend, i wouldn't want to live without you."

dallas: always giving you her jackets, and is the type to trade you for others when the ones you have stop smelling like her. shy with pda, but loves holding your hand no matter where and when even if your palms get sweaty hers probably are too. will come sleep in your bed even if you're not there because she loves being surrounded by your scent, you come home and she's just knocked out, would absolutely gush over couple bracelets, proudly showing it off to anyone who asks, even those who don't, with a lovesick grin. "i know we're still young, but i've never loved anyone like this."

mia: sleepy gf, you probably have more pictures of her sleeping on your shoulder than anything else, casual snapchatting consists of you constantly screenshotting because that angle is terrible how does she look so good??? stays at your place when she's sick so she can whine and be babied, also just wants to cling to your warmth while she sleeps it off, hypes you up constantly because she just thinks you're the softest, most beautiful thing to grace the planet. "these flowers are really pretty, but not as pretty as you."

courtney: protective in a cute way, won't let you leave without a coat, always checking in to make sure you're safe, never forgets your anniversaries, the type to buy you really nice jewelry as a gift, loves chatting about your future together, she'll hold your hands warmly, eyes shining, is 95% sure you might actually be her soul mate and gushes to her parents about you every time they talk, "you're my forever baby, i can't wait to marry you."

mac: is at your place more often than at her own she might as well move in at this point you have all of her clothes, walks like a zombie when she wakes up and always crushes you in a warm sleepy hug in the morning, can and will tickle you mercilessly whenever she sees you looking slightly down, the type of gf to obsessively play the crane machines to win you a plushie you like even if it costs her more than it's worth, "i feel like i can really be myself with you sweetheart."

izzy: laying with her head in your lap while watching tiktoks is her favorite activity, buys you a succulent(s) and always reminds you of when to water it and how much sun it needs, looks the most adorable when explaining something she's read about recently and blushes when she sees you staring in awe, often has to come to your place and steal back all of her fluffy hoodies, but leaves one because she loves you, "this succulent reminded me of you, soft and precious."

ag: honestly a pretty annoying gf, but in a cute way, whines when you don't pay attention to her for a while and will blow up your phone if you don't text her back, likes to walk up behind you and place lingering kisses on the nape of your neck, always down for a shopping trip, will not complain about you trying on a lot of things or carrying all the bags, "you're cute babe, but you'll have to do better than that to make it up to me!"

hannah: you can't help but take loads of off guard pics of her because she always looks so goofy and gorgeous uwu, first date was probably eating pizza on your living room floor, listening to her rant about an album an artist she likes just dropped, probably gifted you a mixed cd, a very casual gf, doesn't fiend for your attention or starve you of hers. your relationship is just very balanced and easily maintained, will facetime you at like 3 am to talk about her intrusive thoughts or conspiracy theories and comment on how pretty your sleepy face looks, "this song always makes me think of you, i hope that's not weird."

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