Chapter 14

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(Adriana's POV)

I bet it's Matt, he always does this. but I just stood there frozen not saying anything. Until the person spoke.

"Hey Baby."

Oh Matthew Lee Espinosa.

"Uncover my eyes or I will beat you"

He uncovered my eyes and grabbed my waist, then twirled me around.

"I thought you loved me" he said

I  planted a huge kiss on Matt's lips. He didn't hesitate, he kissed me back. His hands on my waist and my hands on his shoulders. I pulled away and we looked into each others eyes.

"Where were you headed?" Matt asked me

" I was going to get McDonalds since I was hungry and Cam or Nash aren't in the room," I said

"Oh nice," he said

"Do you want to come with me?"

"Sure let's go!"

We walked towards the elevator hand in hand. We got to the lobby, right when Cameron and Nash were walking into the lobby.

"Hey where you guys headed?" Cam asked

"We're going to McDonalds, you guys want anything?" I said

"Sure get me a cheese burger," He said

"Ok how about you Nash?" I asked Nash

"Um a coffee," he said

"Ok we'll be back in about 15 min."

"Ok," they both said

Matt and I walked hand in hand to McDonalds and went inside. There wasn't a line which was good.

"Hello welcome to McDonalds how may I help you?" The cashier said

"Um let me have 3 cheese burgers, 2 Sprites , 3 fries, and a coffee."

"What kind of coffee?" He asked

I looked at Matt and he shrugged his shoulders, then I smirked.

"That would be dark coffee," I said with a smirk

"Ok your total will be $18.50."

I handed him the money. Then we waited about 5 mins for the food and drinks. We got the stuff and walked back to the hotel.

"Why were you smirking when you said dark coffee?"

"Because I remembered that Nash hates dark coffee and its a prank, I'm going to tell him it's a vanilla coffee."

"No wonder I love you so much."

Then Matt kissed me and I kissed back.

"I love you too." I said back

We got to the hotel and we got on the elevator . We went to my room and gave Cam his cheese burger and fries.

I gave Nash his coffee.

"What kind of coffee is this?" He asked

"It's vanilla."

"YAY my favorite," he said

He drank the coffee and when he noticed what kind it was. he spit it right out.

"What the fuck? You said it was vanilla, this is fucking dark!"

I burst out laughing, so did Matt and Cam. Nash ran to the little mini refrigerator and got water. I couldn't stop laughing.

"Hey Nash, if u want Matt and I can get you another coffee?" I said

"That would be nice, thank you Adriana," Nash said

"Your welcome," I said giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek

Matt and I left to McDonalds and went to get Nash's vanilla coffee. I walked in and ordered the coffee. Once it was ready I grabbed it and left with Matt back to the hotel.

"Why did you kiss Nash on the cheek?" Matt asked

"Is my little Matt jealous?" I said smiling

"Yeah," he said pouting

"Well Nash is like a second brother to me,"

"Oh that's cool, you know what has got me wondering?"


"We haven't gone on our first date yet," he said

"Well we are leaving tomorrow back to L.A. We can have a picnic over there."

"Sounds like a plan." He said

He kissed me and I kissed back. We release and went inside the hotel we went up to the hotel room and I gave Nash his coffee. He tasted it first then drank it.

"Well I'm going to go hit the sack, good night babe," Matt said

Then kissed me on the cheek.

"Goodnight Matty," I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Matt left the room and I went to grab my pjs which were shorts and a black tank top. I went to the bathroom and changed. I put my clothes I wore today in my suitcase and got my outfit ready for tomorrow.

I put my alarm clock to 5am and I went to bed.

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