Chapter 59

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Adriana's POV

I got up and grabbed my outfit. I put on my leggings, a Spider-Man shirt, and black vans. I put my hair in a messy pony tail. Then I put my pjs in my suitcase. Everything was set. I could go to the stadium and get to the locker room first. Put my stuff there and go to the gym. I put on my sunglasses and slung my backpack over my shoulders and grabbed my suitcase and left the room. I went down to the lobby and check out. I got in the limo and drove off to the stadium.
(15 minutes later)

I got to the stadium and a lot of the divas said hi to me and I said hi back.
I got to the locker room and set my stuff down in my locker. Then I grabbed my phone and headphones. I got to the gym and started working out non stop.

(7 hours later)

It's almost show time and my match is the last one. I went back to the locker room and changed into my gear. I curled my hair and put on waterproof makeup. I put on my socks and then my shoes. By the time I was finished the show already started.


I walked to the tv and they said my match was next. I'm not nervous at all. The match before mine ended and now it's my Match. My music started playing and I went out. When I got out everybody started cheering. I twirled and spread out my arms and went to the ring. I slid on the mat and got on the top rope and did a flip. When I landed on my feet I held up a number 2 cause why not.

I sat on the second rope and then Aj came out holding the divas championship. She got into the ring and kissed the title. I rolled my eyes. She gave it to the referee. He held it up and a lady announced our names. I hopped off the rope and got ready to fight. The bell rang and we started at each other. I did a couple moves and she did some too. She did the black widow on me. I had the force to push her against the corner then she released. I hit her and she fell. Then I kneed her in the stomach. My last and final move I can't think of had to work. I grabbed both her arms and put my feet on her lower back. I stretched it more back and then she tapped out. I let go and the referee handed me the title.


Everybody cheered. I got on the top rope and held up my titles then it was over. I went back to the locker room and changed I put my title on top of my shirt. I have the day off tomorrow, so I get to hang out with the guys. I put on my oversized sweater and slung my backpack on my shoulders and took my suitcase and got into the limo and took off to the airport.

(20 minutes later)
(Skip check in)

I got to the gate and my flight was in 10 minutes.
"Now boarding flight 367 to LAX"

I got up and grabbed my carryon. I gave the lady my plane ticket and went to the plane. I sat down and lifted my sweater and looked at my title. Then I got a call from Aaron.

A- hey Adri we didn't get to see the ending who won?
A- hey Aaron and I have a surprise for you guys when I get home. I just got into the air might be home in a couple hours. So can you guys pick me up.
Aaron- yeah what time did you leave the airport there.
A- about a couple minutes ago so might be there in 2 hours
Aaron- ok we'll be there
A- ok bye
Aaron- bye

I ended the call and just looked out the window. Then I got a text from cam.

C- hey you on your flight
A- yeah where are you
C- getting ready for bed
A- that's cool well I'll let you go so you can go to bed.
C- ok goodnight

~End of convo~
(2 hours later)

We just landed and in pretty tired but not that tired. I grabbed my backpack and went out of the plane. I went to get my suitcase and then looked for the guys. There was a group of guys on their phones. I walked towards them and went behind Aaron.

"Hey buddy." I said

Everybody looked up and we were all in a group hug.

"So who won!" They all asked

I lifted my shirt, revealing the title. Their mouths dropped open.

"Omg Adri you did it!" They all yelled

"Yes I did now let's go home."

"Do you want to go to your house?" Aaron asked me.

"Can I stay at your guys house tonight?"


We walked to the car and drove home.
(20 minutes later)

We got to the house and I said goodnight and they did too. I went up to my old room and put my suitcase by the door with my backpack. I got my pjs and changed into them. I put the title on my dresser and then I got into bed. Then I fell asleep.

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