Chapter 38

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Adriana's POV

I burst out in tears. I couldn't stand seeing my best friend hooked up to so many machines. I walked over to him and he was fluttering his eyes open.

"Hi Adri," he said in a really weak voice.

"Hi Aaron." I said in tears

"What happened to me?"

"You got in a car accident with Matthew." I said playing with Aaron's fingers

"I do remember that me and him were arguing and he was speeding and before I knew it everything went black."

"What were you guys arguing about?" I asked

"How he shouldn't have did the things he did to you. I started telling him how you were much happier with Jack and then he got mad and started speeding. Then he didn't break on time and everything went black when we hit a truck." He said.

"Please Aaron, don't talk to him about me. I don't want him knowing anything that's going on in my life, he isn't part of it."

"Ok Adri. Do you know when I get out?"

"No, but I think they release you later tonight."

"Ok and where's Matthew?" He asked

"I don't know, I think Cameron went to go see him."

"Oh ok."

My phone buzzed in my back pocket.

C- Adri, Matt says he wants to see you, like right now."

A- If he wants to see me, then he's going to have to see Jack there too.

C- Ok, just come now.

A-Ok I'll be there in a few. What room?

C-301 next door

I put my phone in my back pocket again.

"Aaron I'll be right back." I said

"Ok, I'll be here." Aaron said

"Come on Jack."

We left Aaron's room and went over to Matthew's room.  I opened the door and there revealed Matthew with a neck brace, broken arm, bruises and scratches.

"Hey Adriana." Matthew said in a weak voice as well.

"Hey Matthew, Cam said you needed to see me?" I stood there with my arms folded and Jack was behind me.

"I wanted to say that i'm really sorry about everything. I know, I really screwed up. I know we're not dating anymore but I just wanted to say i'm sorry. Also Jack, I'm sorry for fighting with you that night."

"It's ok man." Jack said

"It's ok Matt, but you did hurt me but I forgive you and maybe we can still be friends."

"Yeah that would be great."  He said with a smile.

"Well Jack and I have to go, so I'll see Ya later k?"


Jack and I walked out and went back to Aaron's room. All the guys were in there talking.

"Hey guys." I said pulling a chair so Jack can sit on it.

"Hey Adri, hey Jack. Wait, what happened to Jack?" They all said

"Oh, he broke his knee earlier today." I said

"Well that's bad." Jack J said

"Yeah but I still love him." I said hugging him.

"That's nice." Taylor said

Cameron Dallas's Little sisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora