Chapter 36

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Jack's POV

I woke up and Adri was still sleeping. I got up and took a shower then put on the outfit Adri bought me. I got out of the bathroom and put my clothes in my backpack. I sat on her bed and she woke up minutes later.

"Good morning my sunshine." I said kissing her nose.

"Good morning cutie." She said kissing my lips.

Adriana's POV

I got up and walked to my closet and picked out a Hollistar crop top, denim shorts with some white and pink Jordans. I got in the shower and I kinda fell asleep a little. Good thing I was leaning against the wall. I got out and put on my outfit and then blow dried my hair. I put my hair in a pony tail and put a bow on where the rubber band is. Then I did my makeup which was the basic mascara and eyeliner. I walked out of the bathroom and Jack wasn't there anymore. Then I heard something fall, I put my pjs in the drawer and ran downstairs. I saw Cameron and Jack both laying on the floor. They were both holding their knees.

"Guys what happened?!" I said running to them.

"I was getting something from the top shelf and I stood on the chair. The chair broke and I hit my knee on the island and then I heard a crack." Jack said

"Then why is Cam on the floor?"

"I fell and hit my knee on the coffee table." Cam said

"Ok I'll get you some ice and I need to take you to the hospital."

I got Cam the ice pack and I helped him stand up and sit on the couch.

Then I helped Jack up and he couldn't bend his knee. He was limping a lot. I wrapped my arm around his waist and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. We got on the elevator and went down to the truck. I opened the door for him and helped him in. I shut his door and ran to the drivers seat. I put the keys in the ignition and drove off to the hospital.

We got to the hospital, I got out and walked to Jack's side. I helped him get out and I put him in a wheelchair. We got into the emergency entrance and the desk lady came up to me.

"What's wrong with him?" She asked

"He hit his knee on the island and he can't bend it and he's in pain."

"Ok let's get some X-RAYS done right now and he'll be in a room."

"Ok thank you."

Then they took him away.

(10 minutes later)

It was around 11am now and they just got done with Jack's X-RAYS.

"Family member of Jack Gilinsky ?" The doctor said


"You can see Mr.Gilinsky now."

"Ok thank you."

I walked to Jack's room and I walked in. His knee was prompted on a pillow.

"My poor babe." I said running my fingers through his hair.

"My knee hurts so freakin much babe."

"I know, it'll get better babe." I said kissing him on the lips.

I was just playing with his hair when the doctor came in.

"Good afternoon." The doctor said

"Hi doctor."

"Ok so we got Jack's X-RAY pictures and he did break a part of his knee."

"Oh," Jack and I said

"So we are going to cast it and we'll bring you some crutches so you can move around."

"Ok." Jack said

"I'll be right back with the stuff." The doctor said.

"Ok." We said

The doctor left and I just looked at Jack.

"Promise me you're not going to leave me for this." He said

"Jack I will always love you and I will never stop even if you have a broken knee."

"I love you adri." He said

"I love you too Jack." I said giving him a kiss.

(Minutes later)

The doctor casted up Jack's knee and he had to get used to the crutches so we walked around the hospital a little. Then I signed the papers to take Jack out of the hospital.

We left the hospital and got into the truck. Then we drove back home, Jack and I just sang U-by Austin Mahone. We got home and I opened the door for Jack. We got to the elevator and went up. I unlocked the door and Cam was still sitting on the couch. Jack sat on the chair next to the couch.

"You ok Cam?" I asked

"Yeah, hurts a little but, I'm fine."

"Here I'll be right back."

I went to my bathroom and got wraps. I walked downstairs and started wrapping Cam's knee. Then we all watched movies.

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