Chapter 74

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~Adriana's POV~

I woke up around 11:30 am,still in Matt's arms. I got out from his grip and he fluttered his eyes open.

"Good morning Adri." He said

"Morning Matt." I said walking to my closet.

"What you doing today?" He asked me

"Nothing want to go out for breakfast?" I asked him.

"Yeah sure."

I grabbed an outfit which was black jeans, heels, and a tube top which had a gold belt around the waist. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I got out and dried off. I put on my outfit and slipped on my heels. I dried my hair and then brushed my teeth. I curled my hair and I sprayed perfume and then left the bathroom and put my pjs in my drawers. Matt was already changed because he left a couple outfits here.

"Ready?" I said grabbing my phone and purse.


We left my room and went downstairs. Jack fell asleep on the couch and his eyes were puffy. I looked away from Jack and grabbed my car keys and left the house. We got In and Matt turned on the radio. I started the truck and drove to IHOP.

"What do you want to do the rest of the day?" Matt asked me.

"I don't know, you choose what do you want to do?"

"Um why don't we go to Disneyland?"

"Perfect idea, plane or driving?" I asked him.


"Plane it is."

We got to IHOP and we sat down. We got orange juice and I got strawberry pancakes and Matt got chocolate chip pancakes.

"I'm booking the flight, when do you want to leave?" I asked him

"Let's leave today but at night though."

"Ok. Their booked already." I said setting my phone down.

"Cool but what's cam gonna say about this?"

"Matt don't worry that's why we won't tell him." I said taking a bite from my pancakes.

"Sneaky girl aren't you."

"What can I say." I said flipping my hair.

When we were done, we payed and left. We got in the truck and went to the guys house to get Matt's suitcase.

"This was like last minute for our trip." He said

"Yeah but at least we're going to have fun." I said parking in the drive way.

We got out and everything was picked up already. But then I heard some one throwing up. It was more like multiple people. Matt and I went to go get his suitcase. I stopped by Cameron's old room first. I opened the door and he was in the bathroom.
I walked over to the bathroom and he was throwing up.

"Hey what's wrong?" I said leaning against the door frame.

"I'm s-sick." He said looking at me

I went over I his bed and grabbed his blanket. I went back to the bathroom with it and covered him with it.

"Thanks Adri."

"I got to go but I'll text you and see how your doing."


I left his room and went to Matt's room. He was packing his stuff.

"I'm ready." He said
"Let's go fast." I said

He grabbed his suitcase and we went down the stairs quietly and then ran out the door. He put his suitcase in the back and got in the truck I started it and then we left.

We got to my house minutes later. We went inside. Jack was still sleeping, Matt and I ran up the stairs and I grabbed my suitcase and went to my closet and packed my clothes. I grabbed my backpack and put my carryons in there. I slung it over my shoulders and grabbed my suitcase.

"Let's take the elevator." Matt said

I shook my head and we went towards the elevator. I pushed the button to the garage. We got down the garage and I opened the door to get out and we ran to the truck. I put my suitcase in the back and my backpack too. I put the keys in the ignition and we drove off.
"Now where are we going?" Matt asked me

"Let's go take care of the guys before we leave." I said


I drove towards the House. We got there and I parked the truck and went inside the house. I went in the kitchen and made everybody chicken noodle soup. I grabbed 7 bowls and put soup in them. I grabbed a tray and put them on there. I went to cams room first. He was laying on his bed, when he saw me he sat up.
"Here you go my brother." I said giving him the soup.

"Thank you Adri."

"Welcome I have to go make 6 more trips be right back."

I left his room and went to Jack J's room. I gave him the soup and went to Aaron's room.

"Hey aaron." I said giving him soup.

"Hey Adri."

"Feeling better?" I asked him.

"A little bit."

"Ok I have 4 more people to give soup too."

I left and went to shawms room and gave him his soup. Then, I went to Taylor's room, I gave him his. Then I gave nash and Carter theirs.
I went back downstairs and set the tray down. I went back upstairs to Cameron's room.

"Feeling better?" I asked him.

"Better, thanks for the soup Adri."

"Anything for my brother." I said giving him a hug.

I sat down on the computer chair.

"So did Jack talk to you yesterday?"

"No, when Matt and I were going to breakfast, he was sleeping on the couch and his eyes were puffy."

"Wow, well yesterday he was crying and he was drinking a lot after you left."

"But why should he be that way, we're over already. What he said last week was all bull shit." I said

"Yeah and we told him not to drink. The last time we told him he stopped and he said he was walking home."

"Yeah he did get home but he just fell asleep on the couch, didn't bother going to his room."

"Are you going to kick him out of your house?"

"I wouldn't because he's already there so why. Just he shouldn't bother with me."


I checked my phone and it was 5 in the afternoon.

"Hey cam I got to go, I hope you feel better." I said getting up and giving him a hug.

"Ok thanks Adri."

I left and Matt was waiting for me downstairs.

"Let's go my friend." I said

"Let's go." He said smiling

We ran to the truck and got in and drove to the airport.

"Well this is going to be a wild adventure." Matt said taking my hand

"Yes it will be my friend."

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