Chapter 56

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My room had this big window and it had a view to the ocean. I loved it. I set my suitcase down with my backpack too. I didn't feel tired anymore so I grabbed my laptop and sat at the table that was there. I checked my email and there were a lot of replies of Jacks party. All the stuff is at the guys house but jacks parents wanted to invite their friends and just be in the movie theater drinking so they got lots of what the drink for the party. We got coolers, soda, and the decorations. I clocked out of my email and closed my laptop. I put it away and got another outfit cause it was really hot here. I grabbed some shorty shorts, a tank top with a heart on it, and black high tops. I went to the bathroom and there were speakers in there which was cool. I plugged in my phone and started my music and turned it up. I got into the shower and did my routine. I got out and dried myself off. I put on all my clothes. I put on mascara and eyeliner. I put on my shoes. I grabbed the clothes I was wearing and put them in my suitcase. I danced to my music and then unplugged it. I put my phone in my back pocket and grabbed my sunglasses. I put them on and went out the door. I got in the elevator and went down to the lobby. Nobody was done there. I went out the doors and walked to the McDonald's across the street.

I got there and right away I was surrounded by a group of fans. I signed things for them and talked to them a bit. They had to go and then I went to order. I got my food and ate my pancakes I got with a frappé. I ate my food and then threw away my food. I grabbed my frappe and continued drinking it. I went to explore Miami. I put my shades on and started walking. There were so many stores. I explored some stores and then I went to the beach. I was done with my frappe and threw it away. I took off my shoes because I didn't want them getting dirty.

I walked along the sand. I was so relaxed. The water was crashing against the sand. There was a little shop and I got a towel. I laid it on the sand and sat on it. I looked out to the ocean. It looked so beautiful, I would love to live here but California is kinda better. I was so relaxed till my phone started ringing. It was cameron.

A-may I help you mr. Dallas
C- yes ms.dallas where. The hell are you I just went to your room and you weren't there.
A- why don't you check that place with the sand.
C- alright.

I hung up and laid down on the towel.
Minutes later a shadow hovered over me.

"You blocking the sun." I said

"Really you were tanning ,you freakin live in California your already so freakin tan." Cam said

"Oh shut it." I said getting up

"Let's go back to the hotel, we have to organize jacks party." He said

I put my shoes on and picked up my towel, folded it and went with cam.

We got to the hotel and went up to my room. We got to my room and I unlocked it. I grabbed my laptop and set my towel down.

"Ok so who are you inviting?" I asked cam

"Um some of my friends that are girls from school." He said


"Who are you inviting?" Cam asked me

"My friends from school."


(5 hours later)

We have been planning this party for a couple hours now. It's around 5 or 6, cam almost fell asleep planning it.

"Cam don't fall asleep."

"I'm I'm not I'm just tired." He said yawning.

"Yeah me too." I said closing my laptop.

"Let's watch movies." Cam said


We picked out a movie and watched it. We watched a couple movies till it was 9. Cam left and I got ready for bed. I plugged in my phone to the speakers and my charger. I turned on my music and put it near my bed, well next to it. I put it on low, then slowly fell asleep.

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