Chapter 24

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(Matt's POV)

I really didn't mean to call Adriana that. I was just angry that she didn't wake me up this morning like she did with the others. But me for being a dumb ass I am, I started fighting with her and now we are broken up. To be honest I love Adri, I don't know what I would do without her. Even if it was just hours ago we broke up, I miss her, I need her with me. I'm so stupid for doing what I did. I hope she forgives me.

Later on at night I got a text from a random number, I didn't know who this was.

RN- hey babe, I hope you still miss me. I know where you live and I know who your dating.

It was Cassandra, man I hated her so much.

M-what do you want Cassandra?
RN- What do I want? Let's see I got two things. One- I don't want you dating her anymore and two, I want you and I to get back together.

M- you must be crazy to think I'm going to get back together with you.
RN- Really, because if you don't something will happen to your precious girlfriend
M- Cassandra she's not my girlfriend anymore, she broke up with me today.
RN- I'm so sorry Matt
M- yeah yeah yeah get to your point now .
RN- Can you and I meet at Starbucks tomorrow? So we can possibly talk things over
M- I'll meet you there, I'll be there at 10am.
Rn-ok bye Matt
M- bye cassi

(Adriana's POV)

It was about 12am when I woke up because, I heard something come from the other room. I got up and put on my Nike sandals. I went to Jack's room which was the room next door to mine. I opened the door and Jack was rocking back and forth. His toe was bleeding.

"Jack what happened to your toe?" I said running to him

"I was going to get my laptop but I stubbed my toe against the desk."

"Here I'll be right back." 

I ran to my bathroom and got my wraps to wrap anything that hurts or gets hurt. I grabbed some napkins and ran back to Jack's room.

"Give me your foot." I said


He gave me his foot and his toe was bleeding a lot. I wrapped his toe into a napkin.

"Here lets go to my bathroom to get you cleaned up." I said

"Can you help me please?"

"Yes Jack," I said putting my arm around his waist and his arm around my shoulder.

We got to my bathroom and I got my desk chair. I put his toe under the cold water, the blood going down the drain. So it came off with the cold water, then I just wrapped his toe with a wrap.

"Here let me help you get on the bed," I said

Jack limped all the way to the bed. I did have a queen sized bed, so if he wants to stay here. I put a pillow under his foot. Then I got into bed and Jack wrapped his arms around me. I felt something that I didn't feel when Matt wrapped his arms around me. Jack had already fallen asleep minutes later and I was drifting off to sleep again.

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