Chapter 32

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Adriana's POV

I sat on the one of the couches and I was just playing games on my phone. I got a text from Jack later on.

J- Hey Adri do you want to go out to dinner?
A- sure what time?
J- around 7
A-ok I'll be ready

He didn't respond after words.

(An hour later)

The event was over and we were going to the guys house. It was around 11 and we just hung out and watched movies.

(5 hours later)

It was around 5 and I was just waiting for Jack for the heads up so we can leave.

"Adri, can I talk to you please?" I heard Cameron asked


We walked to the backyard and sat down on some chairs.

"Is it true you and Matt broke up?" He asked


"How?" He asked again

"Your girlfriend and him kissed and they were cuddling the other day."

"Do you have proof they kissed?"

I opened up my phone and showed him the picture.

"I can't believe this, I'm so sorry Adri for hitting you. I should have believed you in the first place."

"It's ok Cam." I said giving him a hug.

"Now I'm going to break up with her."

Cam dialed her number and put her on speaker.

Veronica: Hi baby, I missed you.
Cameron: oh be quiet Veronica, I'm done with you. I'm done and I'm breaking up with you.

He then ended the call.

"Good job Cam." I said

"Thanks. Now can you finally tell me where you've been."

"I've been living with Jack for the past couple days."


"In an apartment complex by Starbucks."

"Ok I'll have to go over soon."

"You're welcome to come." I said.

"Ok." He said

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