Chapter 46

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~Adriana's POV~

I packed a couple outfits and shoes also undergarments.  In my carry on bag, I put my toothbrush, toothpaste, hair spray, brush, makeup, and a lot more stuff like chargers and my laptop. I put my jacket and I put my suitcases by the door. It's only been a couple days for him having the cast on but he has an appointment today.

"Hey Jack you have an appointment today."

"Oh yeah, thanks babe." He said giving me a kiss.

"Come on let's go."

We went out the door and onto the elevator. We got to the garage and went to the truck. We got in and drove to the hospital.

(5 min later)

We got to the hospital and went to the check in for the doctor.

"I saw you got jealous yesterday when Roman wrapped his arm around my waist." I said looking at Jack.

"I did get jealous because your mine and I don't want another guy touching you." He said looking in my eyes and putting his hand on my cheek.

"I know but he's just a superstar Jack, you're always going to be my one and only." I said placing my hand on his.

"Please never leave me again, like when we were dating and we broke up." He said

"I promise and I will always love you because you are my first love."

He smiled and then gave me a huge kiss. I've always known that Jack was my first and will always be.

"Jack Glinsky." The nurse said

We got up and walked with her to the room where they were going to do a x-Ray to see if they could take the cast off and put a wrap on.

(5 min later)

We went to sit in the doctors office to see if they can take it off. I really want them to take it off because he's going to have a big cast on the plane.

"Hello Jack, hello Adri." The doctor said coming in with the x-Ray pictures.

"Hello doctor." We both said

"Well I have great and also bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" He asked us.

"Well both, we don't care." Jack said

"Well the good news is we can take off your cast but the bad news is your going to have to get a knee brace."

"Will he still have to use crutches?" I asked him.

"No, which is a good thing."

"Ok let's go take this thing off of me." Jack said getting up.

"Ok I'll be right back with the knee brace and the stuff to take off your cast." He said leaving

"Yay you get to take it off." I said hugging him

"Yeah but I still have to wear the brace." He said putting his hands on my waist.

"I know." I said putting my arms around his neck.

We pulled away and he sat on the bed they had there. I took out my phone and took a picture of him. I then put it on Instagram and captioned it "BAE is getting his cast off today."

The doctor came in four minutes late with all his supplies in a little cart.

"Ready Jack?"

"Ready." He said

"So the brace is going to go on top of your pants. This little wheel right here will help you walk."


Good thing Jack wore shorts today. When they took Jack's cast off, his knee was a little purple.

(10 min later)

Jack has his brace now but the doctor said he can use the crutches sometimes if he needs it.

"Finally I can walk with two legs." He said putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah and we leave tomorrow to Chicago." I said putting my arm around his waist.

"Oh yeah but good thing we already packed."


"Adri thank you for everything you have done for me while I've been like this. You don't know how much I love you." He said giving me a huge kiss on my lips.

"Your welcome my love." I said kissing him back.

We walked to my truck and got in. Then drove home.

We got home and went up to the apartment. We walked in and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

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