Chapter 73

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~Adriana's POV~

Matt and I had a couple drinks. But not a lot.the music was blasting. Jack I don't know where he is, he hasn't come near me the whole night. Matt and I danced together, it's actually been a god night for me. We got tired and went and sat down on the couch when I passed Jack. I just kept going with matt.

"Hey Matt I'll be right back." I said


I walked over to where I last saw Jack, he wasn't there anymore. I kept looking around. I asked Jack j and he said he was outside. I walked outside and saw him kissing another girl. Right away I burst into tears and ran back to Matt.

"Adri what happened?" He asked me getting up from the couch

"I just want to go." I said wiping away my tears.

"Ok come with me." He said taking my hand.

We went up the stairs and went to his room and grabbed my keys and purse. I was still crying. Everything he said last week was a fucking lie. I couldn't stop crying. Matt brought me Into a hug.

"Why did he do this to me." I said crying Into his shoulder.

"Baby cakes he isn't worth your tears. You beautiful. I can't stand seeing you crying."

"I just want to go back home. I don't want to be h-here." I said

"Want me to go with you?" He asked me.

"Y-yeah." I said

We walked out and Matt took my hand. Then we ran into cameron and aaron.

"Adri what's wrong?" Cam asked me.

"I s-saw Jack k-kissing another girl." I said still crying.

"After he said he wouldn't hurt you." Aaron said

"Where are you guys going?" Cam

"Im going back to my place." I said

"Matt's going with you right?" He asked

"Yeah." I said

"Ok be safe."

"Ok bye guys."


Matt took my hand again and we went to my truck and got in. I turned it on and I pulled out of the drive way. When I was about to drive off Jack came out. Then I sped off.

"Now what do we do?" Matt asked

"I don't know, I'm not going to let this get to me. He isn't worth my tears and my tiara was falling off when I was crying for him."

"Is it going to be hard?"

"No, I cried even more when you and I broke up. I cried for 2 days." I said


"Yeah, I missed you Matt. When I was with Jack I always thought about you."

"Me too I never stopped thinking about you either." He said taking my hand and kissing it.

I looked down at my neck and I still had the necklace Jack gave me on. A tear slipped out. I un clipped it and held it. Then I put it in my purse. When I get home I'm putting on the necklace that Matt gave me. My heart knows who it wants and it wants Matt. Even though I just cut the line with Jack. I'm giving Matt a second chance.

"Adri, I know it's a little to early but will you go out to dinner with me?" Matt said taking my hand once again.

"I'd love too." I said

I pulled into my house and we got out. I took Matt's hand and we went inside. Matt went and sat on the couch and I took my heels off. I went up stairs and put my pjs on. I put my dress on a hanger and my heels on the shoe rack. I pulled the memory box from under my bed and i grabbed the necklace and put it on and shoved the box under my bed again. When I turned around I saw Matt's extra pjs he left here. I grabbed them and went downstairs.

"Here you go." I said handing him his pjs.

"Thank you my princess." He said

He went upstairs and came down minutes later.

"Come on let's go watch Netflix." I said


I ran upstairs and we got to my room. I put on the Xbox to play Netflix. We watched scream 4. I laid on my bed and Matt did too. He wrapped his arms around me. Then my phone started ringing. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and it was Jack. I ignored it and went back to watching the movie. Then Matt and I started getting sleepy and fell asleep.

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