Chapter 61

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I got a blue high low skirt with a gold belt, a white top, with black heels. I changed and then put on my heels and then curled my hair. I got a blue hand bag and put my phone in there. I came out of my room and all the guys were coming out too. All of us were wearing blue, which was wired.

"Let's go." Taylor said

I let the guys pass and then I went behind them. I heard someone call my name. I tuned around and it was Jack. He ran over to me and grabbed my hand and dragged me to his room.

"Where are you going?" He asked me

"To a party." I said

"Can we talk first?" He asked

"How bout we talk later when I'm not in these clothes." I said

"Ok come back early then."

"Yeah." I said leaving

The guys were waiting in the truck and I got in. Then we drove off.

(10 minutes later)

We got to the party and the bass of the music was loud. We walked inside and there were a lot of people. Matt stayed with me so I won't feel alone. A guy gave me a drink and I took it. It was a piña colada. Matt got one too. There was a lot of alcohol in Matt and I's we almost started getting drunk. Which we did. Him and I started dancing.
We started laughing a lot. We sat down on a couch and were on our phones but then Matt looked at me. He cupped my chin and started kissing me. I pulled away a minute later. I couldn't do this jack, even if I already did it once.
"Matt remember we're just friends." I said

"I know adri but I still love you. I know I've messed up, you forgave me once and the second time you and jack were together. I want you back adri. You were my other half." He said taking my hands in his.

"I know you do, besides things with jack aren't going so well." I said

"Why what's up?"

"So remember Ricky?"

"Yeah I remember him he was our best friend."

"Yeah well I saw him in Miami at McDonald's so we exchanged numbers and when I went back to the hotel I ate and I had to go to the bathroom, so I left my phone on the table in the room. When I got out Jack was holding my phone and he was swearing and screaming. I couldn't take his shit so I screamed to. I grabbed my phone from his hand and I told him who it was and I told him to leave that I didn't want to see him."

"Wow, so he got jealous about you handing out with me and Aaron. That's messed up adri."

"I know and when we were leaving to the party he's like oh when you come back we're talking. And I'm like yeah whatever."

"Hey guys lets go and adri can you drive we're kinda." Taylor said

"Yeah." I said getting up and grabbing the keys.

We walked out to the truck and everybody got in. Then I put my seatbelt on and drove. I'm taking the guys to my house. Their sleeping over so yeah.

(10 minutes later)

We got to my house and I gave everybody a room, more likely some shared rooms. Aaron and Matt are coming with me. They other guys went to sleep. I got to my room and got my pjs on and put away the outfit I wore. I put my hair in a messy bun and then Matt and Aaron came in, in their pjs to. We laid on my bed and took selfies. Let's just say my bed is pretty huge. Aaron fell asleep and then it was just Matt and I. We were just watching A movie, then I fell asleep.

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