Chapter 87

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~Adriana's POV~

Before we went home I got a box to ship the divas title. I know I will get it back just i'm only going to work a couple weeks. We got home and I put my bags in my room. Matt went to the secret room and I grabbed the divas title. I held it and gave it a kiss. This is what I'm going to get back. I placed it in the box and taped it up. I hung my new clothes and then went to the secret room. Matt was watching a movie and I sat down to watch it too.

( 10 hours later)

Hours worth of movies. Matt asked me to take him home. We got in my truck and I took him back to the house.

"Bye adri see Ya tomorrow."

"Bye matt."

He got out and went inside. I left the house and went back to mine. I got there and went inside. I went to my room and put on pajama shorts, a Cami, a cameron Dallas sweater, and some sandels. I put my outfit in the hamper and it was a minute to mid-night. I put my phone in the sweater pocket and left my room. I went through the front door and went to my spot. I sat down and just looked at the stars. I just thought about how wired Jack acted when I asked him where he had gone. He's been acting wired lately, but I don't know at this point. I can see that matt has changed a lot and he wants to get closer to me. It was about 2am and I didn't want to go to bed yet. I wanted to swim. I got up and walked to the house. I went inside and up to my room. I changed into my bathing suit and grabbed a towel. I went downstairs into the pool. First I turned on the lights that changed the water in color. I got in and I swam. The lights were so cool. I got out and wrapped myself in my towel. I sat down on a chair and went on my phone. Nothing was new on Twitter or Instagram. It was 3:33 am, i just went upstairs. I took a shower and changed into clean pjs. I put my swim suit to dry and went to bed. I watch tv for a little and fell asleep.


Hey readers, comment below if you want a second book to this one.

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