Chapter 68

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~Adriana's POV~

I got up around 3am because our flight was at 5am. I got up and put on black leggings, a gray sweater, with my timberland boots. I braided my hair and then I put on my makeup. Then I brushed my teeth.When i was done I put my makeup bag in my backpack. I put my phone charger in there and my divas title. I slung my backpack over my shoulders and grabbed my suitcase. I left my room and the guys were going down the stairs.

"Morning adri." They said

"Morning." I said

We got downstairs and put our suitcases near the door. When I looked at the guys again. We were all were black bottoms and gray shirts.

"This is wired." I said

"What i..

Then they noticed what I was talking about.

"This is so cool, take a picture." Jack j said

I got my phone on the island and we all got in a line. Jack and Matt wrapped their arms around me again. Then it took the picture. I grabbed my phone and looked at the picture.

"I love it." I said

"Send it to us." Shawn said

I sent it and we grabbed some breakfast and we got our suitcases and went to the limo. I locked the door and then put my suitcase in the trunk. I got in, and the guys were eating Pop tarts. I went on my phone and watches The vampire diaries.

(10 minutes later)

We got into the airport and when they passed my backpack through the mental detector. It started going red.
"What do you have in here?" The guy asked me

"I have a championship tie for WWE."

He opened my backpack and pulled it out.

"Ok your good."

He put it back in and I slung my backpack over my shoulders and put on my shoes. We got to the waiting area and we waited for our flight for a while.

"Flight 356 to Las Vegas, Nevada will now be boarding." The lady said

I got up and slung my backpack over my shoulders. I gave the lady my ticket and passport. She gave them back to me and I put them I my bag. Then I went to the plane and sat down. Matt sat down next to me and Aaron sat by the window. So yeah i was in the middle. There were little tv's so I put on the vampire diaries from where I left off. Then I started falling asleep on Matt's shoulder. We were going to land in an hour so I couldn't fall asleep.

"Snap me out of my sleep." I said

Then out of nowhere Aaron and Matt snapped at me and i went back to normal.

"So what are you guys doing when we get there?"

"Maybe go to M&M world." Aaron said

"That's cool." I said

I grabbed my phone and we took a lot of selfies. One we took was matt kissed my cheek and Aaron kissed the other.

(An hour later)

We got to Vegas and its a little chilly. I grabbed my backpack and then got off the plane. I walked over to where I had to pick up my lugguage. I got it and walked to the limo with Matt and Aaron at my side. Jack didn't care where the hell I went. He was just with Jack J and on his stupid phone. We got in the limo and Aaron and I made a group chat with Matt.

ME-why isn't Jack talking to you adri
AD- I don't know he's with Jack j and on his phone
AC- well that's not normal your his girlfriend he should be paying attention to you not his dumb ass phone.

I laughing a little and Jack looked up. I continued texting.

AD-see what I mean I laughing and he looked at me and went straight to the phone.
ME-he's confusing cause he told you at first oh adri I won't get jealous. What was it called when you wearing hanging with Aaron and I and texting Ricky.

AC-yeah he is like adri is my best friend no offense Matt but like that's fucking messed up. We're your friends you tell us everything.

AD- I'm like still doing this fucking party for him. I shouldn't after what happened back in Miami.

ME-it's your chose adri, we already have everything.

AC-yeah we can't return it

AD-true why don't we get a room with 3 beds like the master room.

AC-YEAH we're at the hotel by the way.

Aaron got out then me then Matt. We got out suitcases and ran in. Except for Aaron he speed walked. We got to the front desk and asked if they had a room with three beds. She said yeah and gave us each a key. We got in the elevator and went up to our room. We opened it and set everything. It was a pretty big room. Then we all jumped on our beds. We turned on the big flat screen and watched tv. Till I heard snoring. I got up and saw Aaron sleeping. Then I heard snoring again and this time it was Matt. I decided to sleep too. We woke up really early. I watched a little more tv till I got tired and fell asleep.

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