Chapter 5 ~ Going Out

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~Ali's POV ~

It was the next morning and I woke up in my crib, rubbing my eyes and groaning softly. I sat up, blinking to get my eyes working. I then heard Alex get up and come to my room. He came in with his hair messy and top less.

"Morning Princess." He said as he came over  and picked me up. I rested my head on his shoulder and took in the feeling of comfort.

"Mowning." I said. I didn't realise I was speaking younger, I just wanted to, because I felt like it.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked, laying me on the table.

"Yeah." I said yawning and stretching as he changed and dressed me into a footie onesie. He picked me up, got Ra Ra and he took my downstairs. He placed me in the high chair and served me some fruit.

"We are going to have to go out today little one." He said to me as he stroked my forehead. I got a bit scared, during my mouthful of orange and swallowed it quick before sucking my thumb and looking down.

"It's okay! Daddy will be right here." He said to me smiling. I thought if he was there, nothing could go wrong right?

He took me to the car, with Ra Ra, cuddling to my chest and he put me in the car, kissing me on the forehead. He got in the car himself and drove.

I wondered where we might be going. Me and Ra Ra looked out the window and saw lots of buildings. We then came to a stop outside a pretty big building, that looked very very tall. I tried to see to the top, but it was too tall. Alex came round the side and got me out the car, placing me on his hip.

"It's okay little one, Daddy's right here." He said, rocking me as we walked towards some doors. I buried my head into his neck as we went through the doors. I was scared, only wanting Alex.

"Hi, the name Alex to see the manager please." He said as I heard a door open. I felt him walk inside and close the door.

~ Alex's POV ~

"Alex, my boy!" The manger said, smiling at me.

"Hi sir!" I said shaking his hand with my free hand.

"I see after 3 years you have found one!" The manger said to me, looking at Ali.

"I sure have." I said, kissing Ali. The manager came over and sat next to me on the couch.

"So what's this beautiful girls name then?" The manager asked.

"Can you tell the nice man your name princess?" I asked Ali, softly. I felt her head turn round and meet sirs eyes.

"Ali." She whispered, sucking her thumb.

"That's a lovely name that is." The manger said smiling. Ali smiled a bit before looking up at me and snuggling into my chest.

"So, we have to do the tests then, to make sure she is right of course." The manger said. I remembered the tests I had to put Ali through. They seemed a bit rough on her and I held her protectively.

"Sir, she is very sensitive, could we forget the tests?" I whispered.

"Well, we could, but she still has to do the last test, where she has to call for you in a dark room, if she really is the one for you." He said to me as I gulped.

"Okay, can we do it quick?" I asked a bit scared for Ali.

"Yep, follow me." He said as I walked with Ali in my arms to the outside of the dark room test.

"Go in and place her in there, wait 40secs and if she doesn't say daddy, you two will be separated." He said to me. I was shaking a bit with fear as sir opened the door and I stepped in. I placed Ali down and ran out of the room as fast as I could.

"The timer begins now!" He said, starting the timer. I could see Ali on the security camera, crying with fear and shaking.

"Where you go?!" She shouted crying. I just wanted to go and pick her up and comfort her. Sir stopped me from opening the door as I heard her cry more. It was melting my heart. She had 10seconds left, she had to say daddy! She just had to please. 5 seconds remained and I broke down on the floor.

"DADDY?!" She screamed and I stood up. She did it. Before sir could even say a word I rushed in and picked my princess up and comforted up. She was a crying mess.

"Princess, it's okay shhhh daddy is here now, he will never go away again it's okay shhhhh." I said to her, rocking her and padding her bum. She started slowing down and cuddling into me. I walked out of the room to be greeted by Sir.

"You did it my boy! You have now got a successful little! I'm so proud! Your pay will be there every week and all you need to do is paperwork on Fridays!" He said giving me a high five. I smiled as I held Ali close to me. I waved bye to Sir as I walked out of the building, back to the car.

"Why, leave me?" She asked me, rubbing her tears away and sucking her thumb. I felt so bad I could have cried.

"I'm so sorry princess, it was a test that daddy had to do, it was more for daddy than you because all Daddy wanted to do was comfort you but he wasn't aloud and if you didn't say daddy, I would have been separated from you, I'm sorry princess." I said as I buckled her in the car. I expected her to still be sad.

"It's otay daddy." She said smiling at me. I smiled back at her and kissed her on the forehead. I got in the car and drove home.

She loved me.

Hey guys
Hope ya'll doing good. Hope this was a good chapter. Make sure to leave suggestions in the comments for a mention. Don't forget to vote. Have a great day.
Remover to social distance.
Stay strong. 👊

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