Chapter 26 ~ Escaping

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~ Ali's POV ~

I woke up in my crib, well...It wasn't MY crib but you know what I mean. I sat up seeing other littles doing the same. I saw the same man from the day before come towards me and bend down.

"Hello little one, nice sleep?" He asked me. I didn't do anything as I didn't trust or love him the way I love and trust Daddy and Dada. He just picked me up and I kept squirming. He lowered me onto the table and I started to cry, burying my face in my hands. He started to change me and I cried harder. When he finished, I sat up.

Why was I here?

The man picked me up and set me on the floor. He just left without saying anything, making me whimper. I decided to crawl over to the books again and read some new ones I didn't know.

After a while I saw a man come in and run towards a little girl and sweep her off the ground. It looked like she had been reunited with him. The little girl was crying with happiness as the man rocked her. He then took her away, closing the door.

Maybe Daddy and Dada will never come back for me. I looked down about to cry when I heard a sniffle. I looked to my side and a few metres away I saw a little girl crying with a book and a cat stuffy in her arms. I slid on my bum over to her and sat beside her. She looked up with me, her tears staining her rosy cheeks.

"Hewo." I said.

Hewo." She sniffed, cuddling her stuffy.

"What wou name?" I asked her.

"Lila, wha wou?" She asked me.

"Ali." I said. "Wou mwiss wou Daddy?"

She nodded and sobbed.

"Mwe too." I said, as I started to cry. I felt the girl wrap her arms around me and I did the same. We cried and sobbed until I pulled away.

"Wou know why our Daddies weave us?" I asked her, sobbing.

"Mhm, vey had to fiwll in form, to kweep us, bwut my Daddy fogwot, swo me come here. Wthe form cawlled 'Important Little Form.'" She said.

~ Flashback ~

I got out my feathers, glue, fluffy things and pens to create Daddy's picture. I saw writing on the back of the paper, but thought none of it.

~ End of Flashback ~

I gasped, putting my hands over my mouth. Lila looked at me.

"Wha wong?" She asked me.

"I..I..Mwe know where form is!" I said. Lila stared at me and smiled.

"Where?" She asked me.

"Mwe make my Daddy birwfday card! Wthe form is biwrfday card!" I exclaimed. "Mwe need to tewll Daddy!"

"We no aloud speak to our Daddies." Lila said looking down. I looked around the room and saw a window.

"Mwe need to escawpe." I said. Lila looked at me, her eyes widened.

"Escawpe?" She said. I nodded.

"Cwan wou hewp mwe?" I asked.

"Yeah!" She said. I hugged her and we discretely walked to the window. It was high.

"Mwe give wou weg up." Lila said. She out her hands out and ordered me to step on. I stepped on and managed to reach the window. I rolled over and was out!

"Fank wou! Mwe be back." I said. I heard a faint okay and started to run. I ran as fast as I could, trying to unzip the onesie. It came off and I chucked it in a bush while I was running. I didn't recognise anything so just ran random way. I started to feel tired, as for over a month I had not run this much. My legs were weak and I was tired but didn't give up!

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