36. Highs & Lows

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"Eve, what did you do?"


"Then why is Nyxeus running around the penthouse like a... like a squirrel on drugs or something?"

"I don't know. I just gave him some of this delicious coffee."

Lucifer sighs. "How much is 'some?'"

"Uh, only a cup or so," Eve replies.

Lucifer sighs again. "I guess caffeine can be added to the list of 'do not give Nyx,' along with human alcohol and drugs."

"Why can't he have those?" Eve asks.

"Hate 'em!" Nyx replies, pausing for a moment before rushing off again.

"He tries to set them on fire," Lucifer says. "Which to me, is a waste so I've stopped trying to get him to enjoy them. Nyxeus!"

The draxon stops, looking down at the devil from where he's upside down and clinging to the ceiling. "Luci?"

"Get down here, we're going to be late to work."

"Ooo, another case?" Nyx says, dropping down to the floor. "Who do you think it is this time? Why were they killed? Who's the killer? Can I be a killer? No wait, Luci doesn't like me being a killer. He doesn't have to know. Do I need to know? Who needs to know? Know what? I don't know, do you?"

"Nyxeus," Lucifer says, already seeing how annoying this is going to get.

Nyx looks over, his expression brightening, "Oh, hi Luci! How long have you been here? Where'd you come from? Where'd I come from? Ooo, good question. Come on, Luci, we're late for work!"

Lucifer rubs his temple with a long sigh, "Wish me luck, Eve. And maybe hide the coffee while we're gone."

Eve nods, "Alright, I can do that. Good luck today."

"I think I'll need it."

"I've worn my orgy pants to work, haven't I?" Lucifer says, laughing lightly. He looks around for a second, "Hold on... Where'd Nyxeus go?"

Dan's brows furrow and he looks around too. "No idea. And, Lucifer, is he high?"

Lucifer shakes his head, "Nyx hates drugs. No, Eve just gave him coffee and it appears that he gets incredibly hyper from the stuff."

"Guys," Chloe says, her body tensing in shock, eyes wide, "I think he just blinked."

The other three both look at the body. The dead man's eyes are open and well, dead-looking. Ella and Dan both look back at Chloe in confusion, but Lucifer's eyes remain on the corpse. It blinks again, making Lucifer's eyes narrow.

"Nyxeus," he says lowly.

A giggle erupts from behind him. The devil turns and sees the draxon right where he was before, a grin on his lips.

"I'm coming back!" Nyx says giddily. "First my monitors, now controlling bodies! I'll be back at full power soon enough!" He giggles again, clapping his hands together. "Now, let's solve a murder!"

"He can reanimate dead bodies?" Chloe whispers so Ella doesn't hear.

Lucifer nods, "He's a mind manipulator. The minds of corpses are just inactive, so yes, he can temporarily reactivate them if they're recently deceased. Without their souls however, those corpses are just empty shells, like zombies."

"So if he wanted, he could start a zombie apocalypse?" Dan says.

"Zombies?" Nyx asks, appearing next to Lucifer. "What're those? Apocalypse? Of zombies? Could that happen? What about a dragon apocalypse? I could do that easily. Oh, now that might be fun, imagine the humans' reactions."

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