Interlude: Behind the Scenes Thing

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"Alright are we ready?"

"I am!"

"We all know you are, Nyxeus."

"Rayel, at least try to sound excited. Excuse her, she's not very good at this."

The early light of evening shines into the penthouse of Lux where four people have gathered.

Amber rolls her eyes. "Let's just start with some introductions then we'll get in to it. I'm Amber, the writer and director of this mess."

"Mess? Are we a mess?" Amber raises a brow at the excited man. "Oh! I'm Nyxeus! Silly name really, but it's what my parents decided. Same with Luci. He's not here though. I—"

"Gold boy, go ahead," Amber says, pinching the bridge of her nose.

The man smiles in amusement. "Jinx Crane, obvious who I play."

"And I'm Rayel Morgan, I play La'rayel."

"Good! Now," says Amber, "Let's get started for real. Welcome to a little behind the scenes... thingy of the long-ass book I call The Devil & the Draxon. It wasn't meant to be this long, but that's how it turned out."

"Wasting my time with it as well," Rayel mutters.

"You had fun!" Nyx argues. "And you were bored so this gave you something to do!"

"I know that, Nyxeus, I was there."

Amber rolls her eyes. "As you can see, the book portrays them as they are. An old married couple."

"I am not old," Rayel counters.

"And I'm already married," Nyx adds in. "She's my best friend that I dragged into this, I have Luci to love. He left though, he didn't want to be part of—"

"Anyway!" Amber interjects. "First topic: real-life jobs."

"Practically the same as your silly book," Rayel says. "Really, we're all actors. Lucifer owns Lux, Chloe, Dan and Ella all work with the LAPD and etcetera, etcetera."

"I like acting," Nyx says. "This was fun."

"It's not even a movie," Jinx says. "We just act out stuff for Amber to write. Practically useless."

"I liked having it in front of me to see," Amber whines. "And it helped some of you find love. I mean, Dan found Charlotte, Maze has Rayel, Amenadiel and Linda and even Chloe had that quick thing with Pierce."

"Still useless for me."

Amber rolls her eyes. "Next on the list that's being made up as I go: favourite lines, used or unused. Dragon gold, you're up."

"Me, why me?" Jinx whines.

"Because I told you, now speak."

The man rolls his eyes. "Uh... 'They thought they stood a chance against me.'"

"Of course that's your favourite," Amber says. "Rayel, continue."

"'Pass the bowl' from the scene where Maze introduces me to popcorn," the platinum blonde replies. "It's cute and funny."


"Favourite? I have lots of favourites..." He hums for a few seconds. "Oh, I know! I don't think we ever used it, but my favourite line is that sinister, whispery line, 'give up everything to me.' I love playing the not-evil-but-not-completely-good-and-slightly-insane characters."

"I noticed," Rayel replies. "What about plot? You wanted to talk about how that went."

"Right," Amber says. "Well, I wanted the book to follow the devil's murder-loving lover as he got into trouble on Earth as a 'dark' main character, but I also love the Lucifer-Nyx connection that happened. It's a mirror of what the two are really like."

"Exactly mirrors it," Jinx mutters. "Right down to his incredibly hyper personality."

Nyx smiles sheepishly. "But—"

"I don't want to hear your buts," Jinx says. "I'm friends with you, idiot, I like you the way you are."

"Aw, he does have a heart," Rayel teases.

Jinx scowls, "Shut up."

"Back on track," Amber says. "Yes, I wanted to have Nyxeus be a mentally unstable killer, but it seems that went out the window... It's better that the first version anyway."

"That was bad," Jinx agrees. "Centuries in Hell and you didn't quite follow the insane path on that version. Do you still have that first version?"

"I do, for memory more than anything else."

"Oh, I remember that," Nyx says. "You had my character kidnap Trixie to bargain with Luci, Chloe and Dan instead of having me just fly in to find Luci."

"Don't speak of that terror," Amber interjects, wincing.

"But it's ending and I don't want it to end."

"It's not over forever. More than likely I'll do a few chapters of season 5B because I enjoy writing out the canon plot with Nyxeus in it, but the actual book is over. I can't think of much of my own plot for the king to go through and with school and everything... yeah."

"More?" Rayel groans.

"Yes. I want to add to your relationship with Maze too."

"You put too much of my personal life into this."

"Are there scenes of you having sex?" Amber retorts. "No. But there are sex scenes with Lucifer and Nyxeus, so who should be complaining about personal life here?"

"Me," Nyx says. "But I got sex out of it so I don't really care."

"You're still here?"


Lucifer, having just stepped out of the elevator, groans quietly. "Nyxeus. How long are we planning to make this? This isn't a meeting room, you know."

"Well, we've gone over all I want to talk about," Amber says with a shrug. "So I'd say we're done. Just be warned, there'll probably be more to act out."

"Great," Rayel groans. "Just great."

"I'm paying you, shut up."

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