How to have joy

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How to have joy

Verses: "'Consider it nothing but joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you fall into various trials. Be assured that the testing of your faith [through experience] produces endurance [leading to spiritual maturity, and inner peace]. And let endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work, so that you may be perfect and completely developed [in your faith], lacking in nothing.'"

James 1:2-4

How to have joy in The Lord.

I am sure you are wondering: "how do you have joy in The Lord?" Here are my tips and tricks:

1. Seek God! You must seek God daily!

If you want to have God's joy, you have to seek God daily. By seeking God daily you will be able to draw near to Him. When you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you (Psalm 125:1-2). Then you continue to seek Him by reading His word, praying to Him and asking for joy, worshiping Him, and listening for Him.

2. Fix your eyes on God, not your circumstances, and praise God daily!

As you seek God you need to stop focusing so much on your problems and circumstances. You need to focus and fix your eyes on God. How do you do that? You do that by seeking God daily, and praising God. You need to make a gratitude list and write in it everyday. Because even though you may be going through a storm right now, there are always good things in your life that you can praise God for! Because God is always good (Psalm 31:19) and He deserves our praise.

3. Trust in God.

Honestly trusting in God is something I have been working on lately. I have been seeking God and once I put my trust in God, I was filled with joy! Why should you trust in God? Because: God will love you forever. (Psalm 136:1) God will never leave you. (Hebrews 13:5) God will comfort you. (Isaiah 49:13) God will help you and always be there for you. (Psalm 121:1-2) God is always faithful. (Psalm 33:4) God keeps His promises. (Deuteronomy 7:9) God is good. (Psalm 31:19) God will draw near to you. (Psalm 125:1-2) You can do all things through Christ. (Phillpians 4:13) With God on your side, you can do anything!  (Matthew 19:26) God has an amazing plan for your life. (Jeremiah 29:11) God is for you and on your side. (Psalm 118:6) God is all around you. (Psalm 125:1,2)

If you do all these step daily, I promise you, God will fill you with His joy!


Dear God,

I pray that as I seek you daily, fix my eyes on you, praise you daily, and trust in God that you fill me with your joy. I believe that as I seek you, you will draw near to me. I believe in you and believe that you will bless me with your joy. I pray that as I seek you that I begin to build a close relationship with you. I pray that everyday you will always be by my side. I need you Lord. I love you Lord. I will always serve you. I thank you for your goodness, love, mercy, joy, rest, strength, grace, and so much more. You are so good and so worthy of my praise!

I thank you for all my many blessings and for Your Son.

In Jesus's name, I pray, Amen!


Hey beautiful! I hope you have an amazing day! Thank you so much for reading. I love you so much❤️💖💜

-xoxo Caty❤️💜💖

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