How to have God's strength

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How to have God's strength💜

Verse: "'My flesh and my heart may fail, But God is the rock and strength of my heart and my portion forever.'"

Psalms 73:26

God is our strength.

Maybe right now you are really struggling. Maybe you are struggling with depression, anxiety, stress, mental illness, chronic illness, cancer, or maybe the loss of a loved one. But no matter what you are going through, God will always be there for you (Psalm‌ ‌121:1-2), and He will be your strength (Psalm 73:6).

I know right now, times are really tough. I know so many people are struggling right now. With covid-19 still going on and all the darkness in our world. It's so easy to feel alone. But God promised we would never be alone (Psalm 121:1-2). God promised He would never leave us or forsake us (Psalm 125:1,2). And God always keeps His promises (Deuteronomy 7:9).

All you have to do is come to Him by seeking Him through reading His word, praying to Him, worshiping Him, and listening for Him. And as you continue to seek Him daily, He will draw near to you (Psalm 125:1-2).

To get God strength's all we have to do is to seek Him (through worship, listening to Him, and reading His word) and pray for strength. God will bless you whatever you need to face whatever battle you are facing (Phillpians 4:13). Because no matter what you are facing, with God on your side, you can do anything (Matthew 19:26)! God will be there for you and help you always (Psalm 121:1-2).

God wants to be your strength, all you have to do is come to Him and seek Him. God loves you so much (John 3:16). He wants you to come to Him because He wants a close relationship with you. As you build your relationship with God, He will bless you with everything you need like peace, joy, hope, rest, and strength. How you build a relationship with God is by seeking Him through worship, prayer, listening to Him, and reading His word.

Go to Jesus, He can't wait to see you!


Dear God,

I pray that as I seek you through reading you word, worshiping you, listening for you, and pray to you that I build a close relationship with you. I pray that you bless me with your strength, peace, rest, hope, joy, and everything else I need to fight my battles and win! I know that with you by my side Lord, I can do all things. I praise you for your goodness, love, mercy, and grace. I praise you because you are so good to me Lord and you always will be so good. I thank you for listening to me and I know you hear me. I know that you will help me.

I thank you for all my many blessings and for Your Son.

In Jesus's name, I pray, Amen!


Hey beautiful! I hope you are having a wonderful day. Thank you so much for reading! I love you so much❤️💖💜

-xoxo Caty❤️💖💜

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