Chapter 48

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July 17, 2020

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July 17, 2020

Looking at Noelle's sleeping figure, Harry traced her face with his knuckles softly as her sleeping trance is leaning in his touch making him smile.

Half of the day was miserable for him, after taking a nap at 1 pm after they fight, when she woke up Harry tried talking to her, small talks here and there but Noelle just nods or shook her head.

Al she did was coped up in their room trying to ignore Harry or his stare just to avoid it. She know she's wrong for overreacting too but she just can't help but worry at this time with the pandemic going on and she knows that Harry is a grown ass man who can take care of his self.

But come on, wouldn't you worry too if your loved one will go out in this kind of times?

Sighing, Harry leaned forward to press a kiss on her head making her lean to him before he pulled away to look at her.

"I love you, angel"Harry quietly said brushing some hair out.

After some seconds, Harry stood up taking his bag with him before looking at the two puppies who woke up because of his movement.

Going to their positions at the foot of the bed, Harry looked at them, "I need you to take care of mummy yeah?No stranger near her"

The puppies blinked at him making him smile before leaning to press a chaste kiss on their heads before standing up straight.

"I'll be back before you know it"Harry softly smiled, ignoring the little pain inside that he lied knowing he might stay there a little longer because of work of course.

He's not yet to step out of their house but he already miss them.

July 20,2020

"Hi,uhm—"Noelle started as she fumbled with her sweatshirt before looking down"merda non so cosa dire"

Sighing, Noelle bit her lip looking at Rory who is asleep beside her foot on the floor.

Fro the past days, Noelle has been feeling guilty ever since the argument with Harry and she can't help but feel so bad about it. When she woke up that morning, she saw Harry's note on the table saying he left already and he'll be back before he know it.

She teared up that morning that she didn't even got to say goodbye at him or sorry so right now, she decided to send him a video.

"I'm sorry, that's all"Noelle softly said heaving a breath before looking at the camera, "I'm really sorry on how I reacted, I know it struck a nerve on you and I feel so bad about it"

Then she look away for a second, trying to contain herself from crying or something. She's on the verge of missing Harry so bad that it hurts.

"I hope you're having a good time there in Italy, some fans say that you're having a vacation there and I'm glad but please still be careful"Noelle looked at the screen again before smiling softly, "I miss you already, Rory and Ro always sleep on your side of the bed"

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