21. Psycho on the Loose

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Universal Definition: a test given to students specifically college students at the end of a course of study or training.

Actual Definition: determines how we die, absolute havoc and stress, could make or break you, staying all night to retain an entire semester of shit you know absolutely nothing about, followed by trauma whether or not you passed.

Using it in a sentence: Finals and life hit a little different when it's the spring semester.

That's what Imuwa University was doing. That's what the college students were currently going through. That's what the crew was going through.

Traditionally, the Imuwa crew would study during work but Jungkook's parents decided to give them a few days off during finals week to focus especially since it's their final year. They were currently at the public library since the school's library was packed with panicked students who believed writing notes in cursive will help them learn.

Currently sat at the table were Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and Jeon Jungkook.

You see here, the trio had entirely different ways to cope with finals. First, you have the pretty princey. Taehyung is actually calm.

Since he was highly intelligent, he didn't really need to study. He knew everything that he needed to know so he'd just scan over his notes the day before and be done. So right now, he was chilling to waste time and not be at home.

Next is the flirty playboy. Jimin was a gushing ball of anxiety. He wasn't exactly the best test taker but always wanted to do well regardless so hence he's studying in panic.

He'd get worked up if he missed a word or two on his notes. They weren't even important words, they like "the" or "it." He was also the type to need to spread out his notes on the table. Since Taehyung wasn't using his side, Jimin also took up his space.

Then there's the chilled plant boy. Jungkook didn't really care for school but he did try at the very least to get an average. He strongly believes that grades and percentages are completely useless.

It overstressed students and they fall into finals seasonal depression which deteriorates their well-being. They don't get enough hours of sleep, they don't get their nutrients instead of just coffee, and they fear that if they don't pass, they're incompetent for society.

But yet he'll study to an extent and if he doesn't know, he won't know. He won't go crazy if he couldn't remember.

It was silent between the boys. Taehyung typed an essay up on his laptop. Jimin making paper noises as his fingers paced down his notes, acting like he'll memorize everything but in actuality, will go back after he did his rounds. Jungkook rested his head on the table, attempting to learn his very little notes.

Once Taehyung completely and turned in his essay online, he closed his laptop and stretched. He observed the two sitting across from him looking worse than they usually are.

"I didn't look up for like two hours and you guys look terrible." Taehyung pointed out.

Jungkook closed his notebook, giving up for the day. "Well, we're not like you I guess. You seem pretty calm towards finals. I mean...look at Hyung." His gaze turned to his side.

Jimin had tunnel vision, he canceled out everyone and everything out of his system when studying. If there was a fire right now, he wouldn't know so he'd burn right then and there.

"Giving yourself more stress than you already do is highly unnecessary. It's not gonna change how you perform or study." Taehyung informed as he leaned back on his chair. "Don't really know how this rat will be..." He pointed at Jimin. "But he shouldn't stress. It's a bad habit to produce."

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