39. Pauper to Prince

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Midterms killed me.


Taehyung was back.

Back in the overpopulated yet quick-paced city. Back in the life of luxury as he stared at his 200-acre mansion filled with the lavish and ornate material and furniture exclusively made for him and his family. Back to the life of servants and maids attending to his every need. Back to the life of extravagant adventures with freedom by his side as he travels and strolls the world in the snap of his fingers.

Though these familiar things would ignite utter delight within him, he merely sighed. Yeah, he was back but he wasn't truly back. His mind was elsewhere and not at the ten-figure lifestyle.


He averted his attention to his mom running out of the mansion to see her son who she hasn't seen in months. His dad followed behind with a bright smile and open arms as well.

I mean he missed them no doubt. He loved his parents, actually. He's grateful to have them enough to care about how poorly he's acted and wanted him to change. He will forever think about the things they did for them.

"We missed you so much!" Tejin expressed.

His parents embraced the prince into a group hug that he didn't know he needed. He wrapped his arms around them and squeezed tightly, cherishing this reunion.

"How was the drive back?" Sooyeon asked her son. "Come on, inside. You must be hungry." She pushed him to the front door, but he restrained.

"Wait, but my stuff..." Taehyung walked back to open the trunk of the car.

"Oh, the servants can take them for you." His mother told him and as if on cue, his servant, Wooshik, came out of the mansion to handle his things.

"Hello, Master Kim." Wooshik smiled in satisfaction, thinking how much Taehyung suffered in the poor village.

The servant was about to unload the car but the prince stopped him, making him taken aback. He stepped back and watched Taehyung mindlessly grab two of his bags into his hands.

"It's okay, Wooshik. I'll handle it." Taehyung pursed his lips before nodding curtly. He then carried his things back to his room by himself.

His parents and the servant were stunned as the prince casually went inside, bringing his stuff in. Did he really just do that!? I guess you can say was that they had an expression of "what the fuck?"

"Madam Kim," Wooshik called out. "What sorcery lies down in this Imuwa?"


Welp, he was back at his prestigious university populated with pompous ignorant rich people who only cared about themselves.

His eyes roamed as he attempted to recall his faint experience here. The campus was over-maintenance. Fake grass changed every three weeks for no reason at all. Unnecessary statues of Greek Gods and the campus mascot, Lionel the Lion. Lunch created by renowned chefs and used only the freshest and organic produce and meats. There were no processed foods at all.

When he entered, he didn't give a single shit about school. He didn't care to be here, he just needed the Corporation in his hands.

But now he wanted to finish school rightfully. He understood how fortunate he was to have education despite realizing it in his halfway through his last year of university but it was alright.

He comprehended it in time.

As he finished his class for the day, he mundanely walked through the hallways. Some socialites he didn't care about greeted and welcomed him back. He waved civilly but went on with his blasé time here.

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