23. Sweet Night

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Play Sweet Night by V when you're reading hehehe


Lim Penny.

That's what Taehyung could think about all day.

How does one describe the marvelous Lim Penny hailing from Imuwa?

At first glance, she's beautiful, absolutely captivating, and appealing to the eye of the beholder.

Her ever-glowing onyx irises filled with alluring darkness like an inquisitive owl flying through the mysterious night. They attracted anyone who wanted to see the abyss, the unknown.

And when they do, they found themselves in an abundance of enthralled treasures, an array that will leave you speechless and wanting more than what you get.

Her honey skin radiated at every angle especially when she grew tanner in the summer. Every bit of small yet effective beauty found within those rosy dots all over her face. The carving of uneven texture detailed the caramel marble of her portrait. The striking marks and colorful specks emphasized the amount of effort the universe did into creating an angel on Earth.

Her body sculpted like the ancient arts, with time and grace. Every curve, every stretch mark, every precision to her silhouette admired and praised like the artwork at Louvre. Though not necessarily perfect or the golden ratio, it simply affected them in any way possible.

Her smile was just...wow. It was like no other. How her shining ivories showcased her immense happiness. How her button nose lifted up in response. How her high cheekbones raised like the apex of a mesmerizing mountain.

But diving into her inner beauty, she was a kind, thoughtful, loving intellectual. She cared for those she loved and will protect them by any means necessary.

Though she rarely said much, she spoke in wit and wise. What she said and did was with purpose. She can be harsh when she wants to. She can be gentle if she wants to. There was always a reason for her behavior and actions.

Though she may be untidy, can't cook if her life depended on it (can cook rice and cup noodle), and at times become a terrifying nightmare or a deranged imbecile, they were her quirks that said she was still human.

Things still affected her, affected her feelings, her actions, her thoughts. She can easily be triggered though she won't show it.

Since day one, Taehyung was mesmerized by this mere girl from the small town of Imuwa. Though being like any other normal girl, not rich, not very ornate with appearance but knew what style fits her, just has school currently going on for her, she somehow stood out in the eyes of the arrogant prince.

She was able to rip his pretentious exterior to shreds and managed to peel out a new layer of Kim Taehyung. In their first time actually hanging out, though she was cutthroat with him, she whacked some sense into him to change his ways for the betterment of himself and those around him.

There was more to him than his wealth, his socialite-acclaimed title, his behavior, and Penny experienced it first hand.

Not a day goes by without Taehyung appreciating Penny for all that she did for him. He truly cared for her, more than he realized. If it wasn't for her, who knows would Taehyung be?

He realized he hadn't shown any of his gratitude to the girl after all these months. He was too caught up in trying to be with her rather than giving her what she deserved.

Words were not even to express them even though she acknowledged all that he gave. She deserved more than that, she deserved the entire world.

So the prince contacted his Hyungs for some favors in helping him out.

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